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Beyonce POV

"Keegan, have you seen my tablet?" I said to him as I walked in the living room.

"I didn't take it this time mom. You can even give me a pat down," he said as he got up from the couch and he spread his arms out to the side. "Frisk me if you want but be warned, I'm ticklish."

This boy can be so extra at times. I asked a simple question and now he wants me to frisk him.

"Have you seen my tablet? Yes or no? I don't wanna touch you," I said with my hands on my hips. "Have you seen my tablet?"

He sat back on the couch. "Tablets are in the medicine cabinet. You can go look there," he said. I immediately reached out for the first thing within arms reach and furiously threw it at him. His ass lucky because I threw a pillow at him. The pillow hit his face and he chuckled. "Fine then ma. I don't know where's your tablet. Happy?"

"Why didn't you just say that from the get go? One of these days imma get your ass. You get on my damn nerves at times," I spat as I walked out.

"I love you too mommy," I heard him say behind me.

I rolled my eyes and I went upstairs to the master bedroom to look for my tablet and I immediately spotted it on the nightstand. I went to get it and just when I was about to leave the bedroom I heard shuffling coming from the walk-in closet. I got closer so I can hear what's happening.

"Don't worry, its gonna be just me and you...That's what I plan on doing when I get to you...Don't worry, Bey ain't gonna find out," I heard Shawn whisper.

Who is Shawn talking to? What doesn't he want me to know?

"Who are you talking to?" I asked as I walked inside.

Shawn flinched a bit and he immediately hung up the phone. "What was that baby?" he asked as he shoved his phone in his pocket.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked getting closer to him.

He rubbed the back of his head. "I wasn't talking to anyone," he said chuckling.

Did he just lie to me? This nigga think I was born yesterday.

I crossed my arms. "If you weren't talking to anyone then you wouldn't mind if I take a look at your phone," I said with my hand out.

"What I meant to say is I wasn't talking to anyone important. Let's just leave it okay?"

"I don't wanna leave it so tell me who you were talking to," I spat.

He sucked his teeth and just shook his head. "I ain't got time for your nonsense," he said walking out and I followed him back to our bedroom.

"What are you hiding? What don't you want me to find out?" Shawn just ignored me and he took his wallet and car keys then he stuffed them in his pocket. "Where you going?"

Shawn put on his hoodie and sneakers on. "Why you gotta be so inquisitive? I ain't one of your clients so you can stop with the questions," he said facing me. "Excuse me. I'm going out with Ty."

I looked at the time on my tablet. "Its 8:30 p.m. where on Earth are you guys gonna be doing?"

He sighed. "I don't ask you what you be doing with Kelly and your other friends so leave me alone. A man needs his space at times," he said. "I'll be back in an hour or two."

I put my tablet on the bed and went to him. "I'm sorry if I upset you honey. Talk to me because I can sense that there's something wrong," I said grabbing his wrist.

I watched him as he twisted his lips then he shook his head. "I gotta go. Ty is waiting."

"What about me? You're just gonna leave your pregnant wife like that? I ask you a simple question of who you were talking to and now you wanna leave? Why don't you wanna talk to me? Why don't-"

"Would you just quite it with the emotional, sappy shit Beyonce!" He snapped. "I'm going out with a friend, I ain't going off to war! Can you just stop with the interrogation because you're starting to piss me off! Just back off!" He spat then he stormed out.

In all my years I've known Shawn, he has never spoken to me so harshly. Was I wrong for asking him who he was talking to?


Here I am, lying under the bedcovers waiting for my husband. I looked at the time and it was five minutes after midnight. I called his phone but I can't get through. I even called Ty and I also couldn't get through him too.

I need me a bottle of vodka or something to distract me from my thoughts because I don't like the way my mind is starting to wonder but I can't have any alcoholic drink. I gotta think of the life growing inside me.

"Where's your father my little plum plum?" I said lowly as I rubbed my belly. "Could it be that he's having an-...No, no. What am I thinking? He'll never do that to his family. I trust my husband. He's with Ty, end of story," I said to myself.

I curled up on the bed and wiped away my tears and I drifted off to sleep.

Shawn POV

"Aye, you know you gotta eventually tell Bey about this right?" Ty said as we played video games in his apartment.

I sighed. "How the hell am I suppose to tell her man? How do I even start?"

"Start from the beginning and explain the shit to her," Ty said and he paused the game then faced me. "What if she reads the messages in your phone?"

I sucked my teeth as I placed the joystick on the table. "How she gonna do that when my phone's always with me?" I said.

Ty shook his head. "You a risk taker man but do you," he said.

"What's the time?"

He took out his phone and unlocked it. "Its 1:20 a.m." he nonchalantly said.

My eyes went wide. "Shit! I gotta go man," I said getting up.

How the fuck did I lose track of time? Now I know Beyonce's gonna be pissed. How the fuck am I suppose to keep this from her when the signs keep on being conspicuous?

I hopped into my car and raced back home. Let's hope I don't get a speeding ticket. I finally made it home safe and sound. I used my house keys and I got in where I immediately went upstairs to our room. I emptied my pockets and took out my clothes and was left with my boxers and shirt.

I looked at my wife who had her back facing me and I saw that she was hugging my pillow. I carefully got under the covers and snuck the pillow out of her grasp. I cuddled close to her and my hand made its way to her growing belly and I weakly smiled as I rubbed it. I kissed her neck and shoulder.

"I love you Bey. I love you so much," I whispered as I took in her sweet scent.

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