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Shawn POV

I paced up and down the private waiting room in the hospital. Keegan and I went back home to freshen up then came back to the hospital and there is still no update on Beyonce and my baby.

"How long does it take to just update us on my wife and baby?" I said in annoyance as I continued pacing up and down.

"Man, you're starting to make me dizzy so please sit down," Ty said but I ignored him.

I felt someone grabbing my wrist. I turned and it was mama Tina. "Come sit down baby," she said warmly.

I sat next to her and I started bouncing my foot up and down in nervousness.

I don't wanna lose my wife and child. I just can't. Is this what Beyonce was feeling when I was in a coma? Damn, this feeling is fucked up and its killing me. No wonder she didn't want me to go back but my stupid ass didn't listen.

I will never forgive myself if something happens to them.

"Ty, why don't you go out and find us something to eat baby," mama Tina said.

"Okay," he said and he left with Keegan.

Mama Tina rubbed my back. "Its all my fault. Beyonce didn't deserve any of this," I said as I desperately fought back tears. "If only I listened to her and just let the professionals handle Matthew then she would have never gotten shot."

I heard mama Tina sniffling. "Don't be so hard on yourself baby. Please try to be strong for Keegan. I know you're going through a lot right now but please be strong for Keegan who needs you now more than ever."

I wiped away my tears and looked at her. "How did you do it ma?"

"Do what baby?"

"How did you get over Richard's death? The man was killed in front of your very eyes. How are you still sane after all that? How are you still going strong after all these years?"

She weakly smiled at me. "I prayed," she said. "I prayed for forgiveness because I did Matthew wrong. I prayed for deliverance and the Lord kept me strong. I turned to Him and He warmly welcomed me into his hands. When I was in my face in a pool of tears, it was Him who rescued me. I'm sane today because of God and its none of my doing baby," she said. "I have faith in Him that he will make everything all better," she kissed my forehead.

"I almost did something stupid ma," I said lowly.


"I almost killed Matthew. I know he did me wrong but killing him wouldn't have removed the bullet in Beyonce. It was a stupid idea," I said.

She held my hand. "Let's just wait for the doctors to come and update us," she said and I laid my head on her shoulder.

Ty and Keegan came back with sandwiches and we all ate. Ty tried lightening up the mood with his jokes.

"Okay, this is a good one," Ty said then he cleared his throat. "What did the left eye say to the right eye?"

"I don't know uncle Ty?" Keegan said.

"Between us, something smells!" he said then he laughed at his own joke.

"You tripping man," I smiled as I shook my head.

He caught his breath. "Here's another one," he spoke. "Why did the chicken cross-"

"Beyonce Knowles-Carter's family?" The doctor came just in time before Ty told his joke.

We all stood up. "Just when I was getting to the punch line," Ty pouted.

"I'm her husband," I said.

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