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Beyonce POV

I love spending time with my boys. I may be out numbered but that doesn't bother me since I love the fact that I'm the only female in our little family.

We finally made it to the restaurant we are suppose to have dinner at.

"Right this way Mr and Mrs Carter," the hostess kindly said as she led us to our usual spot.

The waiter came and took our orders. Shawn and Keegan ordered something light and I obviously had to order extra since I'm eating for two.

"Thank you again honey for taking us out because I didn't feel like cooking," I said to Shawn. "I also love what you did with the place. It looks more vibrant and I see you used my idea of classic songs softly playing in the background. You also included my idea of adding more meals in the menu," I said looking around the restaurant.

"Yah sure. Anything baby," I heard Shawn.

I looked at him from across the table and saw that he was on his phone, busy smiling at it. "Did you hear me?" I asked.

"Mmm," he said.

"What did I say?" I asked with an arched eyebrow.

"That's sweet baby," he said.

Shawn knows how much I hate it when someone ignores me. It pisses me off to the core.

"Dad, mom's talking to you," Keegan said calling out to his father who's about to have my foot stuck up his ass.

"Huh?" Shawn said finally looking up but he looked at Keegan. "What did you say son?" He said ruffling Keegan's hair.

"Mom was talking to you. She asked if you heard her. Did you hear what she was saying?" Keegan said.

"Did you hear me honey?" I said flashing him a fake smile.

He ran his hand on his fresh brush cut. "Umm, yah. I heard you babe. I heard what you were saying," he said rubbing his chin.

"So do you agree?" I said crossing my legs.

He swallowed hard. "Uh, yep. I agree with you baby," he said and I heard Keegan chuckling.

"So you agree that I should terminate this pregnancy because carrying the baby for full term is going to be detrimental to my health," I said and I watched his demeanour change.

"I-I was-there's something wrong with the baby?" He asked anxiously. "We should sit down and-"

Keegan busted out laughing. "She's joking dad. She was testing you and you failed dismally," he said shaking his head. "You've known mom for more than fifteen years but you still don't know that she hates it when you ignore her when she's talking to you?"

Shawn gave me an apologetic look. "I'm sor-"

"Forget it. Let's just eat," I said in annoyance.

"You mad honey?" He said lowly.

"Does it look like I'm laughing? No. Let's leave it," I spat. "Who were you texting that had you smiling like a teenager?"

I watched as he tried to get the words out of his mouth.

"Here's your order Mr Keegan. Hamburger with a side of fries," the waiter said as he placed the plate in front of Keegan.

Saved by the waiter. Shawn should thank his lucky stars for this one.

"Thank you kind sir," Keegan said to the waiter.

"My pleasure Mr Keegan," he said. "Mr and Mrs Carter, your food will be out shortly. Do you want any refills on your drinks?"

"Actually I-"

"No, we're good. Thank you so much. You can go," I cut Shawn mid sentence as I smiled at the waiter. The waiter went back to the kitchen.

"Oop, she's a savage," Keegan murmured but I heard him.

"I'm sorry Bey. Ty was texting me and kept sending me funny memes. You also know that Ty loves joking around," he said. "Sorry again for ignoring you. It was never my intention."

"Whatever, let's just enjoy our dinner," I said.

Shawn POV

That's it. I'm never texting Ty ever again. His stupid ass got me in trouble with my wife.

We ate our dinner and it wasn't all that awkward. Bey would talk once in a while. Is she still mad? I don't know. There's not telling with her hormonal self.

"Dad, do you think your assistant is single?" Keegan asked as he sat in the backseat while Bey and I sat in our seats.

Why do you wanna know?" I asked as I buckled my seatbelt.

"I wanna make her my sugar mama," he said.

Beyonce shot her head back at Keegan almost immediately. "You want a sugar mama? What do you know about sugar mamas? If you get a sugar mama especially one like that Bessie, imma disown your ass," she spat.

"I was just joking mom," Keegan defended himself. "All I'm saying is, she's attractive and her name is 'Becky' not 'Bessie' mom," he said.

"Okay fine, BeCkY. Happy now?" She said. "Bottom line, I don't want a daughter-in-law as old as me."

"I hear you ma," he said. "Imma get you a fine daughter-in-law. She gonna be voluptuous and juicy," he said.

Beyonce busted out laughing. "What do you mean by 'juicy' hun?" She said. "Let's just leave it before you say something that will get you in trouble with me," she said.

"Okay. In other news, how's my baby sis doing?" he said leaning over and rubbing Beyonce's belly.

She sucked her teeth. "How do you know I'm carrying a girl?"

He face palmed himself. "You're so naive mom. My sibling and I have this connection which allows me feel it in my gut that you're carrying my sister," he said moving his hand in a circular motion on her belly.

She grabbed his wrist. "That's enough rubbing for tonight. You're making my stomach feel weird," she said.

Keegan sat back and buckled his seatbelt.

I turned and looked at Bey. "Are you still mad at me?" I asked and she shook her head. "I'm serious Bey."

"I ain't mad. What makes you think I'm still mad?" She said looking out her side of the window.

I gently turned her face such that she was facing me. "Please don't be mad. I love you and I'm sorry," I pouted and she chuckled.

She kissed my cheek. "I ain't mad no more zaddy," she said.

"Don't start with me now," I smiled at her.

She leaned her face closer to mine. "What if I wanna start something?" She bit her bottom lip.

"Then imma end it," I said and I pecked her lips.

"Oh my gosh! Please stop seducing each other in front of me. No child wants to see their parents doing that," Keegan said.

Beyonce rolled her eyes. "Fine. Let's go home Shawn," she said buckling her seatbelt.

"Thank you," Keegan said and we were off.

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