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Shawn POV

I expected Beyonce to freak out but I wasn't expecting her to pass out. I had to cancel with Becky because I had to take Beyonce home.

Right now I just finished my morning routine. I decided not to go to work today because I wanna sit down and talk to Beyonce, hopefully I get through her.

"Morning dad," Keegan said as he walked in the living room and sat on the couch.

"Morning son," I said smiling at him. I sighed. "I've got some news, your mom knows about me being in SIREN."

"Dang, how did she take it?" He said running his fingers through his curls. "I think its cool and all that you're a spy but why now? Why after all these years you decided to go back now?"

How do I tell my son that his grandfather is a wanted criminal? Keegan really loves Matthew.

"Its complicated son," I said.

I heard indistinct clatter in the kitchen. I'm guessing Beyonce's up. Here goes nothing.

I stood up and I went to the kitchen. I found Bey busy on the stove. I watched her as she made scrambled eggs and toast.

"Good morning baby," I said going to sit on the stool. She ignored me and continued making her breakfast. "Bey, please talk to me," I said and she just continued plating her food and she went to the other side of the kitchen island. She started eating her food. "Are you still mad at me?"

"You keep talking but I ain't listening," she said. "What do you want?" She said dryly. "Why are you back in SIREN anyways?"

I went to her and I held her hands. "Honey, I'm doing this for you," I said and I kissed the back of her hand.

She snatched her hands out of my grip. "For me? I don't want my husband going on suicide missions. How many missions have you done so far?"

I scratched the back of my head. "I'm doing this one mission and-"

"ONE?!" She yelled out of shock. "What type of mission takes months? For goodness sake you're working with the FBI and SWAT. What the fuck are you doing?" She semi-yelled.

"We're working on catching this dangerous criminal. We have to be careful when trying to catch him because he's smarter than we think. He's very tactful thus that's why its taking really long to catch this man," I said.

"Call Russo and tell him you are pulling out of it," she said going to the sink to wash her dishes.

I rubbed my temples. "For goodness sake I'm doing this to protect you. We have to get this man locked up. If we take him down then his illegal operations are gonna be shut down. Just work with me on this okay?" I said going to her and hugged her from behind.

I don't know how Matthew found out about me being in SIREN, all I know is I gotta take this man down. He's literary deceiving everyone but me. I just gotta be two steps ahead of him.

"Who's this criminal? If you're so engrossed in him, he must be really close to me and perhaps he has threatened to hurt me," she lowly said as she laid her head against my chest. "If that's the case, you should drop this mission."

I scoffed. "I can't do-"

"End of discussion. There are people who are highly trained to do what you're doing," she said.

"I am trained."

She chuckled bitterly. "Don't tell me you're counting that one summer back when you were in high school as training. Tell Russo you're out," she said.

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