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Keegan POV

Aaron and I's vape pen business has been going well for the past couple of weeks. We make a whole lot more money than we would have if we just stuck to saving. Right now we have stopped selling vape pens and started selling snacks since the school's vending machine is broken and they've stopped stocking it with snacks.

I know that selling snacks is prohibited but its just great business since they are highly demanded in the market. We have limited snacks so that gives us the advantage of selling them at a higher price at school thus we earn more profits.

I love quick money.

Right now I'm preparing to go to the mall with Aaron so that we'll purchase those sneakers.

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror. "Perfect. You look handsome Mr Carter," I said looking at myself.

I turned then I went to my hidden stash of money. It was in a box under my bed. I took out a couple of hundreds and I stuffed them in my pocket.

"Hurry up mini me. I have to drop you off and go to the office," dad said entering my bedroom.

I turned and scrunched up my face. "On a Saturday? Why don't you give yourself a day off dad? You work a lot, sometimes you even come home really late," I said going to take my phone.

"I gotta provide for my family now stop asking me questions and let's go," he said walking out.

I shrugged and grabbed my bag and went to my parents bedroom to say my goodbye to mom. I got inside and she was napping. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek since I didn't wanna wake her up.

"Goodbye mom. I'll be back later," I whispered.

"Bye baby. Be safe now," she said drowsily with her eyes closed.

I slightly chuckled as I backed away. Mom wore a T-shirt and some sweatpants and it kinda looked cool. She's now about four months pregnant and her belly is starting to show. Well, you can only see it if you lift up her T-shirt. I'm so excited that imma finally be a big brother.

"Mom, can I have $200?" I whispered to her.

"You tried it. Now go, my baby and I are sleeping," she said with her eyes still closed.

I rolled my eyes. "Love you," I said walking out.

"Love you too," I heard her lowly say with her eyes still closed.

I got out of the master bedroom and jogged downstairs. I saw dad sitting on the living room couch busy with something on his phone. From the look of things, he was texting someone and he was seriously enjoying it since he had a huge smile on his face.

"Dad, I'm done. We can go," I said.

"Umm, take my car keys. I'll be there in a few," he fished his hand into his pocket and he tossed the keys to me with his eyes still glued to his phone.

"Okay then," I caught the keys and went to the car.

Beyonce POV

I was woken up by the ringing of my phone. I grabbed it and answered it.

"Hello," I said drowsily.

"Awe, did I wake you up mommy-to-be?"

I sighed as I sat up on the bed and rubbed the sleep off my eyes. "Yes you did. Now what do you want Kelly?"

"Damn. Sounds like the mood swings are kicking in. Anyways, I wanted to give you a heads up, I'm coming over."

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