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Shawn POV

"Keegan! You've got five minutes to get your ass in the car!" Beyonce yelled as she stood at the bottom of the stairs.

I jogged down the stairs. "What's with the noise hun?" I said then I pecked her lips. "I'm pretty sure they heard you all the way in Canada," I chuckled.

She playfully hit my chest. "Stop that. Your son is getting on my last nerve. The hell is he doing up there?" She said with her hand on her hip.

I brought her closer to me using her waist. "He's a growing teenager give him some time. Maybe he's just flexing his 'muscles' in the mirror," I said and Beyonce busted out laughing then she wrapped her arms around my neck. "How's your morning sickness?"

"Today, our little plum plum spared me. I didn't puke that much and I ain't that dizzy," she said smiling.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I'm guessing Keegan was finally ready.

"I'm sorry but I got distracted. I finally have a chest hair. Its pretty clear that I'm becoming a man," he said puffing out his chest. "Also," he said digging his hand inside his pocket then he took out his phone. "Last casual Friday the Year Book Committee took pictures of the members of the school's basketball team. Today, they sent us our picture," he showed us the picture in his phone. "I look fly don't I? Also, I hope you guys still remember that I'm sleeping over at Aaron's today."

"We remember baby," Beyonce said.

I took his phone and looked at my son.

I took his phone and looked at my son

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"Awe, you do look handsome baby. You've got them good genes from your mama," Beyonce gushed at the picture. "Ain't that right Shawn?" She said looking at me.

"I'll agree with you but then we'll both be wrong," I said and she hit me upside the head. "The boy got both our genes," I said and I pecked her lips.

She gave me that cute smile of hers that I love. "Whatever," she said playfully rolling her eyes. "Let's go Keegan otherwise you'll be late," Beyonce said handing him back his phone.

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind missing first period so you guys can continue making out. I'll be in the living room," he said moving past us.

Beyonce side eyed him then she turned and looked at me. "That's your son right there," she said. "We're going. Lock up when you're done," she pecked my lips and she went back upstairs.

I went to the living room and found Keegan watching TV. I sat on the couch and crossed my legs then I heard my phone pinging. I took it out and read the message.

Becky: u coming to the office or what?

Me: really? Why ur ass gotta be rude all the time? No 'good morning' or anything

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