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Shawn POV

I have a hunch that Beyonce is on to me. I think she's playing those mind games women love playing where they'll act oblivious and ask you something when they know the answer. She gives you the third degree just so you'll confess.

If that's the case, how did Beyonce find out about me being back in SIREN? Did she see an e-mail in my computer? Did Keegan perhaps tell her about Becky and I working together in SIREN?

I gotta be careful when Becky, Ty and I are working. We gotta bust Matthew and shut down his entire operation.

Right now we're on our way to this lunch we were invited to. I seriously don't feel like facing Matthew because last I saw that man was when we had that physical alteration.

"Come in my babies," mama Tina happily greeted us and we gladly got inside the mansion.

"Welcome to Wakanda," Matthew greeted us doing the arm gesture then he chuckled. "Right this way fam."

"I see you've finally watched Black Panther grandpa," Keegan said.

Matthew came and placed his arm over Keegan's shoulders. "I should have watched the movie earlier. Its really awesome," he said smiling. He then turned and he faced me with the same smile on his face. "Hey Shawn. I'm glad you came."

What the hell. Did Matthew just pronounce my name correctly? Is he coming down with a flu or something? There must be a catch to Matthew's behavior, he can't just be nice to me all of a sudden.

We got inside and headed for the dining room where we would have our lunch.

"I made your favourite baby girl. Sloppy Joe," Matthew said to Beyonce as he served us food. "I know my grandbaby whom you're carrying will love it. Its not spicy because I don't want you getting any heartburn."

Beyonce rubbed her belly. "Thank you dad. I'm pretty sure the baby will appreciate it," she smiled.

Okay, Matthew is starting to creep me out with his sudden change in behavior.

"How's school Keegan?" mama Tina asked.

"Its aight but mostly boring," he said. "I passed a Math test that I didn't study for," he said as his face lit up.

Beyonce cocked her head to his direction. "The hell were you doing instead of studying?" she spat.

Keegan took a sip of his juice. "I-I was umm-...huh? What was the question?"

I turned to Bey and she was visibly pissed. Since she was next to me I placed my hand on her knee, she looked at me and I smiled at her and she also returned it with a smile. I then kissed her cheek.

"Awe, how cute," Matthew cooed. "I love how you look after my baby girl Shawn," he said.

I almost choked on my saliva but I immediately cleared my throat. "I'm in love with Beyonce and I'll never hurt her. She's an amazing woman who gave me the gift of being a father. We may have our disagreements at times but I still love her so much," I said as I stared into Beyonce's eyes. "I love you baby," I said and I pecked her lips and she deepened the kiss.

"Eeewwweee, nobody wants to see that. Don't get me wrong, y'all are a cute couple and all but its just nasty when y'all kiss like that in front of me," Keegan said.

"Close your eyes then," Beyonce said to Keegan as we broke the kiss.

Keegan shook his head. "That aight gonna be enough. I still hear the kissing noises," he said.

Beyonce threw her napkin at Keegan. "You're too nosy for your own good," she chuckled.

We continued with the lunch and it went smoothly. Keegan was in the kitchen with mama Tina and Beyonce. I was just in the living room watching basketball.

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