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Keegan POV

The bell rang indicating the end of English class and that we should prepare to go to the next class which is Math in my case.

I elbowed my way through the crowded hall and finally made it to my locker. I punched in the combination and took my Math materials out.

"Psst! Keegan, over here!" I heard.

"What the," I said turning my head in search of the person calling me.

"Keegan. Over here," I heard then I saw Alex who's just two lockers down from me. He closed his locker and came to me. "Hey man," he said dapping me up.

"Wazz good?" I said.

"Aye, can you give me a granola bar? I need something to get me through Math," he said.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "But you always sleep during Math."

"Yah but I can't do it on an empty stomach," he said.

I bent down to take the granola bar which was stashed in my hidden bag pocket. I slid it in my school jersey's sleeve and I got closer to Alex. I pretended to shake his hand. He slipped the money in the palm of my hand and I did likewise to him with the granola bar.

"Pleasure doing business with you Alex," I smirked as I slipped the money in my pocket.

"Right back at yah Keegan," he said walking away.

I made it just in time to Math class.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen," Mr Walker said as he entered the class carrying a stack of papers.

What's with the papers?

He started passing down the papers. "Remember, this test makes up 80% of your grade and its gonna appear in your report card," Mr Walker said.

Shit! I totally forgot about the test! I'm fucking screwed!

I know nothing of this shit. 80% is a lot and if I fail-Lord please take me now because my parents are gonna be on my ass.

"You've got until the end of this period to finish. You can begin," he announced.

I looked down at my paper. "You've got this Keegan. Calm down but keep in mind that this makes up 80% of your grade. No pressure right?" I said to myself then I started answering the questions.

Gosh, I hope what I'm writing makes sense to him because its sure as hell don't make sense to me.

What kind of teacher is Mr Walker anyways? Who makes his students write a test during the last period of the school day?

This nigga is tripping.

The bell rang. "Time up and pencils down people," he announced and he started walking around busy collecting the test papers.

At least I finished and filled in all the blanks in that paper. I got my stuff and went to my locker to take some few things for my homework.

"How was the test dude?" Aaron asked.

I sighed. "I didn't even know we were writing a test," I said closing my locker and adjusting my bag on my shoulders.

"Same here but let's hope for the best though," he said. "I'll see you later man," he dapped me up and he left.

I should also go, mom is probably waiting for me.

Beyonce POV

I watched Keegan walk out of the school building with his head hanging down. He doesn't look fine.

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