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Thanksgiving Day...

"Boy, you better not put your nasty fingers in my mash potatoes," Tina warned Keegan who was about to poke his index finger into the bowl of mash potatoes on the kitchen counter.

"Grandma, I'm hungry," Keegan said innocently.

"Again? You and Julez ate like a couple of hours ago," Solange said.

Keegan tilted his head. "Have you met your son auntie Solo? That boy don't like food. He can go for weeks without eating, no wonder that boy scrawny," he said.

Kelly shot him a death glare. "Don't be talking about my baby that way," she said.

"Yikes! I see the mood swings are already kicking in," he mumbled.

"Leave my baby out of this," Kelly said rubbing her three month pregnant belly. "Why don't you go play or something?"

"I don't know. I really don't but let me find out," he said. "Julez! Where you at bro?!" He yelled.

"What's with the yelling Keegan?" Beyonce said walking in the kitchen.

"I don't yell ma, I just speak in all caps," Keegan said as he stood in front of his mom.

Beyonce rolled her eyes. "Whatever it is, just keep it down. I just put Brooklyn down and she's peacefully sleeping in your grandmother's room," she said and she kissed his cheek.

Keegan slightly chuckled. "Mommy stop. You're making me blush," he said innocently as he smiled at the ground like some girl.

"Boy get out before you get jumped," Kelly said.

"You scare me at times auntie Kelly. I feel sorry for uncle Tim for when you reach your third trimester," Keegan said walking out of the kitchen.

The ladies went back to preparing Thanksgiving dinner. The males were busy watching TV and playing board games. They'll run errands for the ladies.

Everything got finally prepared, Keegan and Julez help set up the table and everyone gathered around for dinner.

Tina slightly tapped her glass a couple of times to get everyone's attention in the table.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming here," she spoke. "This year has been hectic. Things were said, secrets were revealed and tears were shed. I'm thankful that we all stood tall and strong instead of letting the hurricanes of life drag us down. I'm just thankful everyone is fine. Who's next?"

"Dad, you better say something or else I will. Now, we all know how it gonna end if I start talking. It always ends in mom hitting me upside the head," Keegan said looking at Shawn next to him.

Everybody chuckled at Keegan's silliness. "I'm thankful for all my loved ones. I'm thankful for my beautiful wife," Shawn said looking at Beyonce next to him who was slowly rocking Brooklyn in her arms. "I love you babe," he pecked her lips. "I'm thankful for my two children who drive me crazy at times but I still love and will forever love. I'm just thankful for everyone here in the table, y'all are alive and well. Kelly and Tim bout to make me an uncle," he said.

They all went around the table stating what they are thankful for. It was then time for Keegan to speak.

"Wazz good y'all," Keegan said smiling at everybody. "They always say 'all good things come to those who wait' so thank you for y'all patience since I've arrived. Look, jokes aside now. I'm thankful for literally everything that happened to me this year. Whether good or bad, I'm thankful because it taught me lessons and how to be a better person. I'm thankful that I'm finally a big brother, fingers crossed I become the big brother Brooklyn deserves and that I make my parents proud of me. Thank you," he concluded and everybody clapped.

Everybody then feasted on the amazing meals the women prepared.

"Mmm dang! Your biscuits taste amazing dad. They are flat and super crunchy just the way I like it," Keegan said munching on one.

"Baby, those are suppose to be scones," Beyonce said.

Keegan busted out laughing. "My bad," he said. "On the bright side, dad makes amazing biscuits."

The family enjoyed their dinner and played games after that. They helped with the clean up and they called it a day.

"I'm happy that ma sold all the mansions, bought herself this house then started her own clothing line. She's finally following her dreams," Beyonce said as she buckled her seatbelt and Shawn did the same next to her as they sat in the car.

"Mama Tina went through a lot and she deserves everything good coming to her," Shawn said then he rubbed Beyonce's thigh.

"What are you doing Corey?" Beyonce smirked as she looked at Shawn.

Shawn licked his lips. "This," he said and he inched his face closer to her and kissed her passionately.

"Mmm, slow your row Mr Carter. Not in front of the kids," Beyonce broke the kiss.

Shawn turned and looked at the backseat where Brooklyn slept in her babysit and Keegan was on his seat sleeping next to her.

"Fine. Let's get them home," he said and he pecked her lips.

He started the car and they were off.

The End.

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