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Beyonce POV

Ask him Beyonce. He's your husband and he deserves to know what you're thinking. If you keep the questions from him, you're basically being dishonest to him. You're always preaching about honesty but you're not being honest to your own man. Ask him if he's cheating.

My thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of Shawn's phone on the nightstand. I looked over Shawn and he was still in the bathroom busy with his night routine.

Its not wrong just to peep through his phone right? He'll do the same if he was in my position.

I stretched out my arm and I took his phone. I unlocked his phone and saw a message from Becky.

"What the fuck is she doing texting my husband this late?" I said to myself.

I decided to read the message from Becky on the notification bar so that he'll not see that I went through his phone.

Becky: u coming?

What the fuck?

I then heard the lights go off in the bathroom and I immediately placed his phone back on the nightstand.

I watched him come out of the bathroom and he got to his side and got under the covers.

"Becky texted you," I snarled at him.

"Becky did what now?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "You deaf or something?" I spat. "You want me to be louder? Okay. THAT BESSIE BITCH JUST TEXTED YOU!"

He then grabbed his phone and looked at the message. "She's tripping babe. I think she wrongly sent the message to me," Shawn casually said and he placed his phone back.

I scoffed as I crossed my arms. "Look babe. Imma be straight with you here," I said. "Is you and Bessie having an affair?"

Immediately after asking the question my heart started beating real fast. My breath got caught in my throat and my palms became sweaty as I stared at my husband.

"Wow. I'm offended you asked that," Shawn said. "Why would you even think that?"

"Its not like I want my head to wonder there. Its just-"

"Was your father filling your head with these accusations?" Shawn interjected. "That man never liked me because he knows that I'm onto him."

I shook my head. "Onto him? What do you mean by that?"

He slightly chuckled. "I hate him," he said. "I'm admitting it to you today. I HATE Matthew Knowles. That man is evil, just plain evil."

Where is this coming from? I get Shawn and my dad have their disagreements but I never knew the hatred Shawn harboured.

"What has my dad done to you that makes you say that?" I asked. Shawn sucked his teeth and turned such that his back was facing me. "Tell me!" I spat.

Shawn just pulled the bedcovers up to his head.

Now this man is acting like a little bitch. He's just being childish.

"Talk! You're getting on my fucking nerves right now," I semi yelled because I don't want to be loud. I don't want Keegan to hear us.

Shawn turned and looked at me. "Your father is a fucking, cunning, slippery, sliddery, serpent who's a criminal. He destroys lives and that nigga deserves an agonizing death," he said.
"Happy?" He said and he went back to his position of his back facing me.

At this point tears were burning my eyes as I desperately fought them back.

I used all my body force and I pushed Shawn off the bed. I heard a huge thud.

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