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Shawn POV

Its been days since Beyonce stormed out and went to 'anywhere but near me' and she's been awfully quiet. Since she's now on maternity leave, she spends a lot of time cooped up in our room. She don't feel like talking to anyone so much so she has cancelled the baby shower.

I hear her crying at night but when I try to make her open up and talk about her feelings she shuts me out. The only thing that seems to make her happy these days is working on our baby girl's nursery.

"Baby, why don't we go out for a walk?" I said to Beyonce as I got inside our room to find her sitting on the bed while folding baby clothes.

"I'm good, I already went out for my morning walk with Keegan," she said lowly. "Don't you have a meeting with Russo in three hours?" She nonchalantly said without taking her eyes off the clothes she was folding.

I sighed as I walked towards her and I made myself comfortable next to her. "Please don't be like that baby," I said.

She stopped folding and she looked at me. Her eyes were all puffy because of the crying. "Don't be like what Shawn? You got what you wanted didn't you? What's the problem now? Go to that mission of yours, I don't give a fuck no more," she sniffled.

"I'm sorry baby but I'm doing this for you," I said moving closer to her.

"By lying and keeping secrets from me? Everyone is fucking lying and fucking keeping secrets from me. That shit fucking hurts Shawn. I don't know who to fucking trust no more because you all take me for a fool. That's what I am to you right? A fucking fool who's easily deceived right?" She said and she busted into tears. I brought her close to me and let her cry her eyes out as I rubbed her back. "I can't take it no more Shawn. My father Shawn. Everything is not what it seems," she cried harder.

"Please don't cry Bey or you're gonna upset our baby girl," I said rubbing her belly. She lifted her face, I wiped her tears and I pecked her lips. "You can trust me okay? Talk to me, I know that there's something else bothering you."

She shook her head. "Just leave it," she lowly said. My phone pinged in my pocket. "You better get that. Its probably Russo," she said then she went back to the folding.

I got my phone out and it was Russo who just texted me.

Russo: great news. We have successfully infiltrated Matthew's operations. We have one of our guys in there, posing as one of Matthew's guys. We're getting closer to taking that man down. More information will be provided to you in our meeting

Me: okay, thanks

That's one problem down. Now I gotta go solve another mystery.


"Sorry for coming here uninvited," I said as I sat on one of the kitchen stools.

"Don't sweat it baby. Its always a pleasure to have my son around," mama Tina said as she poured me a glass of water. "What brings you here?"

I looked around the kitchen. "Is Matthew around?" I asked and she shook her head. I sighed in relief. "I wanted to ask you something."

She sat on the stool next to me. "Go ahead baby," she said warmly.

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