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Shawn POV

"Table for two please," Becky said to the waitress as we entered the restaurant. She decided to take me out for lunch. Becky's a feminist thus sees no problem with a girl taking a guy out for lunch since she believes we are all equal.

"Right this way," the waitress guided us to a table. She gave us the menus. "We'll start with drinks. What would you guys like?" She smiled as she took out her notepad.

"I'll have the apple cider please," Becky said and the waitress jotted it down.

"I'll have the same thing," I said.

"Two apple cinders coming right up," the waitress smiled and she walked away.

Its nice to get away from the office once in a while. This lunch was just what I needed.

I looked around the lovely restaurant. I was just admiring its beauty and the décor when my eyes landed on Ty who was outside. We locked eyes and he started waving.

"Aye Shawn!" He yelled from outside and it was loud enough for me to hear. He got closer and finally entered the restaurant.

What is he doing? From the way he was walking, I'm pretty sure he was drunk. Typical Ty. I can't believe that this man is actually my son's godfather.

"Don't worry y'all. I'm coming," Ty said as he lurched to one side and hit the table next to him. "I'm sorry y'all. My feet aren't coordinated today," he apologized to the people he bumped into at that table.

I watched him as he made it through the maze of people and tables. He dragged a chair and came to our table with it. He turned the chair such that its back was facing the table, he straddled it and rested his arms on the top of the chair.

"Hey you lovebirds," he said smiling.

"Ssshhh, the hell wrong with you? You can't just say that in public," Becky hissed.

Ty sucked his teeth. "Whatever. Why y'all here anyways?"

I took a whiff of Ty and I indeed got a hint of liquor on him. "Are you drunk?" I asked him.

He stared at me with a blank expression. "Wow Shawn, just wow," he said.

"So you're not drunk?" Becky asked him.

Ty looked at her. "I'm...I'm not *hiccup* I ain't drunk. You're just blurry that's all," he said and he chuckled. "Does Bey know that you and Becky are smashing?"

I rolled my eyes and rubbed my temples. "Stop with your nonsense man. Get out before we call security," I said calmly.

Ty raised his arms up in defeat. "Okay. I can take a hint," he said then he smirked. "Shawn and Becky sitting in a tree. F-U-C-K-I-N-G," he sang lowly.

Ty is taking this too far. I can see that he's starting to make Becky uncomfortable.

"Imma see you guys later," he said and he got up then he left us.

I heard Becky sighing in relief. "Ty can be a prick at times," Becky said.

"I know," I said.

Our food finally came and I immediately dug in because I was famished. We engaged in small talk and suddenly, something caught my eye. I paused for a second and that's when I saw the devil himself. We locked eyes and I saw him getting up and he walked closer to me.

"Don't you know its rude to stare?" Matthew said. "Who's your friend Sheen?"

I clenched my jaws. "Don't mind that and stop mispronouncing my name," I snarled at him as I stood up and got closer to him.

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