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Beyonce POV

"Cheating?" Kelly said sounding befuddled. "You think Shawn is cheating?"

Kelly and I are just walking around the mall just doing shopping. Keegan's with Aaron, they are in the arcade.

"Why would you think he's cheating? Shawn will never do that," she said as we entered another clothing store.

"I know it sounds crazy but my mind keeps wondering there," I said as we looked through some sweatpants.

Kelly then led me to one of the fitting rooms, locked it and we sat on the chairs.

"Now talk to me," she said. "What led to you thinking that your man's cheating on you?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Lately he has been 'going out' a lot. He's mostly hogged up in his phone and whenever he answers his phone he goes to another room. He no longer does it in front of me," I said with tears streaming down my cheeks.

It is hard to shift those thoughts but the fucking signs are there. I know that my husband isn't capable of doing me wrong like that but then why are his actions telling me that he's doing me wrong?

Kelly brought me into a hug. "Don't cry Bey. Have you perhaps asked him?" She asked and I shook my head. "Talk to your bae. Ask him if he's cheating."

I looked at Kelly with my puffy eyes. "I'm scared of asking him."


"I'm scared that he'll tell me the truth and my heart can't handle it. I'm scared Kelly," I said as my voice cracked with emotion.

"This is Shawn we're talking about here. The father of your children and the love of your life. You've walked through hell with each other and still remained strong. You've been together for years. Why would he want to throw everything away because of cheating? Think about Bey," she said.

I sniffled. "I guess you're right," I smiled weakly.

"Bitch, I know I'm right. Now get yourself together, I don't want Keegan seeing his mother crying," she said wiping my tears and she kissed my cheek. "Let's go Humpty."

"Don't say that, you know I'm insecure about my body right now."

She sucked her teeth. "Chile please. You'll forever be a babe," she said.

We got out and continued with our shopping.

Keegan POV

"You lose! Again!" Aaron gloated as he won another round of air hockey.

I sucked my teeth. "Its the draft in this place. That shit was on my face," I said and he busted out laughing.

"Did you tell your parents about our business at school when you got in trouble the other day?"

I shook my head. "I lied and told them that Justin and I were fighting over a girl," I said.

"I can't believe they fell for it especially your mom. I thought she'll easily see through you."

We went to play a couple more games then my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I took it out and I saw that mom just sent me a text.

Mom: meet us in the car in five minutes. We're going

Me: can we plz go get something at Chick-Fil-A

Mom: u got Chick-Fil-A money?

Me: mommy plz. I'm begging u. Plz mommy, with a cherry on top

Mom: okay. We'll grab something

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