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Shawn POV

"Shawn, you better calm down. J Cole said they are coming," Russo said to me as we hid behind this rock with our guns loaded.

Tonight, we are taking Matthew down. We have the SWAT team and SIREN agents all around the place. Since its dark out, it makes us even more stealthy.

"Sshh, I hear some rattling over there," Russo whispered then he peeped up to look. "Shit!"

After that I heard gunshots. How the hell is this possible? I thought the coast was clear?

I stood up and fired some few shots. I shot some couple of guys.

Where the hell are they? I don't want anything happening to them.

"Stop shooting!" I heard.

I stood up and saw J Cole coming with Beyonce and Keegan. I ran to them in an instant.

I picked up Keegan and hugged him real tight. I'm not a hugger but hugging Keegan made me feel so alive and I shed a tear or two.

"Too tight," I heard Keegan then I let him go. "I'm also happy to see you dad," he smiled at me.

I playfully punched his arm. "Me too mini me," I smiled at him as I ruffled his hair.

"Is that an M-9?" Keegan asked pointing at my gun.

"How do you know the name?"

He rolled his eyes. "Duh, I play video games," he said. "Get with the program dad," he patted my arm.

I turned and looked at Bey. I got closer to her then the markings on her neck captured my attention. "Who did that? Did Matthew hurt you?"

"Its nothing," she said lowly.

"Who did this to my wife J Cole?" I said trying to keep my cool.

"I got there late but it was Ben who-"

"Where is this motherfucker?!" I snarled as I reloaded my gun. "Imma show him a thing or two. No one and I mean NO ONE touches my wife and gets away with it."

Beyonce touched my cheek. "Please don't resort to violence my love. You're better than that okay? The important thing is, we're fine," she said so warmly. I leaned closer and I kissed her.

"Even in such a perilous situation, you guys still suck each other's faces," Keegan said. Beyonce hit him upside the head.


Looks like we have to cut this family reunion short.

"Take Keegan to the van. I'll go with Beyonce," I said to J Cole.

He hurried with Keegan and I walked away with Beyonce. The shootings became so violent, Bey and I had to take cover behind this huge rock.

They fired and I fired back. "Damn it!" I hissed as I ran out of bullets. I patted around and I couldn't find anymore bullets to reload my gun.

"We have you surrounded Matthew. Don't make this hard so surrender now," I heard. I stuck my head out and saw Matthew surrounded by SWAT.

"Never!" Matthew yelled with the gun in his hand.

This man is nuts. If I were him, I would surrender because there's literally nowhere to hide.

"FUCK!" He yelled as he fired until he finished all of his bullets. Russo snuck up behind him and tackled him to the ground.

The moment he snapped those handcuffs over Matthew's wrists, I was the happiest man in the world.

To think, we were chasing this man for over fifteen years and now we finally caught him. This rush is just electrifying. I can finally quit SIREN for good. I'm happy because there will no longer be anymore secrets between Beyonce and I then I'll-

"Aaahhhh!" I hear Beyonce screaming next to me.

I turned and saw her wincing in pain. "What's wrong?" I started panicking while looking at Bey. I got closer to her and she laid her head on my chest as her hand squeezed my arm.

Now I'm scared.

She looked at me with watery eyes. "Our b-ba-by," she lowly stuttered.

I could feel Bey slowly getting cold in my hands and her grip on my arm started being weak. I followed her other hand and it held the side of her belly. I moved her hand and there was blood.

One of the bullets fired by Matthew must have ricochet somewhere and shot Beyonce.

"Dear God, this can't be happening," I said as I started shedding tears.

"Save our baby Shawn," she said lowly and her eyes slowly shut.

"Baby, please wake up. Wake up Bey," I tapped her cheek but she wasn't responding.

At this point I don't care who sees, I was crying my eyes out. I can't let my wife and child leave me.

"Can I get help over here," Russo said. "Hurry up! She's losing a lot of blood!"

The paramedics came but I didn't wanna let go of my wife. I forced myself to let her go so that they'll help her.

I sank to the ground as my tears clouded my vision but I could still see my bloody hands. I felt arms being wrapped around me. "Beyonce's a fighter," Russo said as he let me cry my eyes out on his chest.

"Imma kill Matthew. He must pay," I said between sobs.

Russo patted my back. "He will Shawn. We'll lock him up for good," he said.

I moved my hands to Russo's sides until I felt myself grabbing his gun. I snatched it and sprung up. I loaded it and wiped away my tears.

"WHERE'S THIS FUCKING BASTARD?!" I yelled as I roamed around with my nose flaring in anger.

"Shawn, don't do it. It ain't worth it," Russo said trailing behind me.

Too bad because what he just said fell on deaf ears. I'm killing Matthew tonight whether Russo approves or not.

I finally got to the van where they were keeping Matthew. I opened the back and there he was in handcuffs and chains.

"Today, you die," I said through gritted teeth as I pointed the loaded gun at him.

"Don't do it Shawn. Please don't," Russo begged as he stood behind me. "Beyonce and your children need you right now. Don't kill the man. You're basically giving him an easy way out. Don't you want him to pay for his cruel deeds? Let us lock him up then man."

I hate it when he's right. Right now I gotta be there for my family so I slowly put down the gun and gave it back to Russo.

I got out of the van and I went to Keegan. "Dad, I saw mom bleeding. Is she gonna die?" Keegan said. I could see the pain and fright in my son's eyes.

"Your mother is a fighter mini me. Let's just pray that she'll be fine. Let's go home and freshen up then we'll go to the hospital," I said.

We got inside the car and we were off.

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