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Keegan POV

The other day, I had a talk with Justin and hopefully he got the message and that he ain't gonna sell nothing on my turf.

"Alright, settle down now class," Mr Walker said as he walked in class with some papers.

Oh boy. I hope I didn't forget another test we're suppose to write.

He started passing the papers. "I've graded your test. Some of you did good while others, not as much," he said.

Jesus take the wheel. I wonder which terrible grade I got.

He got to my seat and handed me my paper. I took it and my eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw my grade.

"What the fuck. I got 95%. How the fuck that happened?" I said in shock.

I guess this is one of those moments whereby you pass a test you thought you were gonna fail. Didn't see that coming and I'm impressed.

Whew! I'm glad they gonna put this grade in my report card.

"How many you got?" I heard. I turned and it was Chloe who was talking to me. "I got 90%."

I turned and looked at her. "I got 95% sweet thang," I said leaning back on my chair.

Chloe is a really cool girl who I kinda have a thing for. She's phenomenal and I wanna make her my girl but if she wants us to be just friends, I'll understand...Not really. I don't get why a girl wouldn't want to date me. I'm hot and it have 'The Carter Charm' which explains how a guy like dad landed a babe like mom. Its in my genes.

Math class went smoothly mostly because I'm happy about my grade. I can't wait to show my parents. I wasn't really paying attention throughout class.

It was finally lunch time and I went to the cafeteria while chatting with Chloe. "Here's my stop. I'll see you later Keegan," Chloe said as we made it to her table with her friends. "You sure your girlfriend wouldn't mind you chilling with another girl?"

I chuckled. "Nah, I don't got a girlfriend but you can be bae though," I said.

She chuckled. "Boy bye," she said. "Let's hang out sometimes okay? We'll take it from there," she said then she hugged me.

Looks like your boy has a chance with Chloe.

I walked away and I felt someone bumping into me.

"Aye, watch where I'm walking loser," I heard. "You scuffing up my sneakers."

"Chill Justin. It was an accident," I said.

He grimaced at me as he got closer to my face. "You're the accident here."

I scoffed. "Dude, I ain't got time to nurse your insecurities. Let's both just go our separate ways okay?" I said nonchalantly.

"Aye Justin. Can I buy some M&M's," this guy said as he approached us. Justin took them out of his pocket and I watched them as they did the transaction in front of me. "Thanks man."

"The fuck!" I spat as I grabbed Justin by the collar. "You told me you were done selling," I said through gritted teeth as I brought him closer to my face.

He chuckled. "Like you said earlier, let's both go our separate ways okay?" He said. "Get out of my face before I fuck you up."

"I'd like to see you try," I snarled.

He shrugged and he pushed me such that I lost my grip on his collar and I let go. I got a grip on myself and I pushed him back. He retaliated by punching me in the face.

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