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Shawn POV

I parked my car in the hotel parking lot. I looked at the time on my watch and it was a couple of minutes after eleven. From the look of things, I won't be able to make it home on time. I still have stuff to do.

I got out of my car and headed for the reception. "Good evening sir. How can I help you?" The receptionist said.

"Umm, yah. Room for Mr Shawn Carter," I said.

I watched her type something in her computer. "Your room is ready sir. Room 303," she said. She then handed me the key.

"Thank you," I said smiling weakly at her. I went to the elevator and punched the floor button for the room. I got out of the elevator and went to my room.

"There you are Shawn. I've been waiting on you forever," Becky said as she got off the bed and came to me. "What took you so long? I thought you weren't coming no more," she said hugging me.

I hugged her back. "Give me one good reason why I wouldn't come?" I said and she chuckled.

"Fair point," she said breaking the hug. She went over and sat on the bed. "Come on over. Don't be shy," she smirked as she patted next to her.

I smiled. "Okay," I said and I dropped my stuff on the floor.

"I ordered us whisky," Becky said.

I rubbed my hands. "Don't mind if I do," I licked my lips and I got up and poured myself some whisky.


"I'll see you at work Shawn. Say hi to the missus for me," Becky said as I helped her with her coat.

I chuckled. "Don't play with me now," I said. "I'll get out first because I'm already late," I said opening the door and I got out. I looked down at my watch and it was going for one in the morning.

I sighed as I made it to my car. I hit the gas and I was off. I made it back home and as expected, all the lights were off. I used my house key and I got inside. I closed the door carefully, removed my shoes and tip toed inside.

"Why are you sneaking in your own house?" I yelped in fright as I heard a raspy voice. I followed the voice and it led me to the living room where Beyonce sat on the couch with the lamp switched on. She rubbed the sleep off her eyes.

"What are you doing still up baby?" I asked going to sit next to her. "You don't even have a blanket to cover you. Think about the baby," I said.

She shook her head. "The baby is fine. Now answer my question. Why are you sneaking in your own house?"

I battled to find the right words for her question. "I was umm trying not to wake you up baby," I said as I inched my face closer to her.

She scrunched up her face as she backed her face away from mine. "Do I smell whisky? Were you drinking?"

Shit! I forgot that I was drinking whisky with Becky in the hotel.

"Nope," I said backing away from her.

She arched her eyebrow and pecked my lips. "You were drinking! How could you?! Here I am depriving myself sleep because I'm worried sick about you! I called you multiple times but it went straight to voice mail and you were out drinking?! I bet you were out with your friends again!" She spat.

"Hold on," I said in annoyance. "Sure I had a drink or two but its not what you think! Work has been busting my ass and I needed an energy boaster. I couldn't find an energy drink in the office so I settled for whisky instead. I'm offended that you'll think for a second that I'll go out with my friends knowing very well that I have a pregnant wife and a son at home. I'm just offended that you would think of that," I spat.

Let's hope I got through her. Arguments with Beyonce are impossible because she always wins and with her being a lawyer makes things just harder on my side.

Beyonce sighed. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to offend you," she said lowly.

Things are looking up. I might just get away with murder here.

"It's just..."

I'm sorry, there is more? Looks like imma lose this one...again.

"Its just, I was worried sick about you baby. I couldn't get to you and a lot of bad stuff started clouding my mind. I thought maybe something happened to you," she said with watery eyes. "Please call next time baby. I'm sorry again for offending you. I understand that you are a busy man. I appreciate the things you do," she said.

Looks like I'm winning here.

"Its alright baby. Can I get me a kiss?" I smiled. She shook her head. "Why don't you-...Oh, I get it. The whisky smell and the-yah I get it boo. Its the alcohol stench," I said rubbing her thigh then I kissed her neck and I got up. "Imma go have my dinner or do I call it breakfast? What do you think hun?"

Beyonce stood up and shrugged. "I don't know but all I know is that I'm craving chocolate pudding," she said and I hugged her from behind. I buried my face in the crook of her neck. "Stop it Corey. That alcohol stench is gonna make me puke," she whined.

I moved my face. "Fine then. Let's go to the kitchen," I said and I picked her up bridal style.

I had my food and Beyonce had the chocolate pudding then we went back upstairs to our room. I changed my clothes, made sure I thoroughly brushed my teeth but to be sure, I gurgled with some mouthwash. I then cuddled in bed with my bae until I drifted off to sleep.

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