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Shawn POV

My eyes fluttered open, I sat up and rubbed the sleep off my eyes. I turned and Bey wasn't there.

The door then swung open. "Good morning dad," Keegan said. "Can I borrow some accessories. Please and thank you," he said walking into the closet.

I flung the bedcovers and went to Keegan. "The hell you think you're doing?" I asked.

"Grandpa is taking mom and I out so I want some bling," he said. "I wanna look fly for the ladies and maybe pick up future Mrs Carter. If ya know what I mean," he said slightly nudging me.

I can use this to my advantage. I seriously don't trust Matthew thus I should make sure I can reach my children and wife at anytime.

I walked pass him and I went to a secret compartment behind my clothes and I pulled out a watch. Its a watch SIREN gave me so it obviously has a tracking device.

I activated the tracker then I went back to Keegan.

"Here son," I said handing him the watch.

"Dang! This watch is fire dad," he said taking the watch. "Thanks dad."

I ruffled his hair up. "You're welcome mini me," I smiled at him. "Make sure to keep the watch on your wrist at all times okay?"

"Don't worry, I'll always keep it on," he said putting it on. "Imma grab something downstairs. Mama's making burgers."

Keegan got out and I went to the bathroom for my usual morning routine. I looked at the time and it was just a couple of minutes after ten. I must have overslept.

I got downstairs and I went to the kitchen. I stood by the door just admiring the beauty of my wife. She's a feisty one but I love her to pieces. I'll gladly put my life on the line for her.

"Can I please have another burger ma," Keegan said with his plate out with that weird smile of his.

Bey shook her head as she went to sit on one of the kitchen stools. "Can't baby. My feet are starting to hurt," she said.

"Mommy please," he whined. "All you have to do is stretch out your hand and take one or two, maybe ten steps forward. Take the plate with burgers then come back. It ain't that hard," he said innocently.

Beyonce rubbed her belly. "What do you think baby girl? Should I do it? You're right, your brother is just plain crazy thinking that imma take orders from him," she said looking down at her belly.

Keegan sighed. "You two are already teaming up against me," he said getting up and going to take the plate of burgers. "It ain't fair," he stomped his feet like a toddler as he pouted and Beyonce busted out laughing.

"I don't know why you complaining. You don't have a human being growing inside you so stop being so childish," she said catching her breath.

"I'm being so childish because I'm your child," Keegan said. "Ain't that right dad?" He said, catching me off guard.

I cleared my throat. "Yep," I said walking in and I went to give Beyonce a peck on the cheek. "Good morning baby."

She smiled weakly. "Good morning Corey," she said.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Corey? Since when am I Corey?" I asked as I sat next to her.

"Why you acting surprise for? Ain't that what's written in your birth certificate?" She said and she took a bite off her burger.

"O-kay. Imma exclude myself before I get asked to testify," Keegan said gathering his stuff.

"Where are you going baby?" Beyonce said looking at Keegan.

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