Chapter 20

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"It's Maria. No. It can't be." That's what Rouge and Shadow thought. It was Mary's counterpart to that world. But ... something about her wasn't right. She still looked very young for the age she should be now.

She appeared to be a woman in her 20s. Short blond hair tied in a ponytail. He wore a black shirt and boots. Gray shorts. Purple lipstick on your lips and mascara around your eyes. A white lab coat by a scientist / doctor.

Shadow and Umbra were silent, the expression on their faces showing amazement. Then Umbra took two steps back, but ended up stumbling and falling down sitting. Fear was now on his face. Rubis ran towards him and knelt beside Umbra. The hedgehog hugged the bat as if clinging to its last bit of security. He started to cry with his face buried in his partner's belly.

Rouge turned his attention to Umbra in a panic and Rubis trying to calm him down.

"I-It's her! It's Rubis! P-Please, g-get her out of here, p-protect me." Whispered Umbra. Rouge heard this with his bat hearing.

"Airam. That's your name, right?" Rouge said.

"Ha ... so did you tell them about me, number 9? I'm glad you haven't forgotten your family. " Airam replied with a tone of irony in his voice.

"That's not his name! And you are nothing of his." Rubies screamed.

"What rude creatures you are." Airam replied.

"Answer me! How do you still look so young?" Rouge asked.

A smile appeared on Airam's face. "Well ... you could say that I found the way for humans to immortality." Everyone was confused by this answer. "But you, green hedgehog, you didn't tell your story properly.

Scourge now had a serious face after that comment.

"Why are there two of them? There was only one survivor among my grandfather's creations. "
"It does not matter. We made a deal. I gave you the black hedgehog, I didn't say anything about giving two."

"Did you try to trick me? That other one over there is my grandfather's real project. " Airam said this by pointing at Umbra. "He remains the same coward he always was." Rubis was more irritated to hear that comment.

"Come number 9."

"He will not go! You will not put a finger on it. " Rubis hugged Umbra more tightly and turned his own body from the waist up, covering Umbra from Airam's field of vision, as if his body were a shield to protect his partner.

"Give it to me." Airam demanded. "He was my grandfather's last creation. He's rightfully mine now. My property."

"Don't you dare. That is mine. I already gave you the other one. Now go."

"I think you are in a position to give me orders?"

"The strongest rules. The weak obey."

"Interesting philosophy. I think I should adopt it for myself." Airam snapped his fingers.
Out of nowhere Scourge feels something squeeze his neck and he is lifted in the air. Shadow, Rouge and Rubis were startled by this. Suddenly, a figure appears behind Scourge, a robot that was previously invisible. Now it was possible to see him strangling the green hedgehog, while keeping him a few inches from the ground. It was the chameleon robot. Suddenly, four more figures appeared, leaping out of the closed part of the forest.

Scourge had no idea that there were so many people hiding. Two of them were already known, one was the crocodile robot, who had his arms back, and the other was the bee robot, the other two were an armadillo robot and a squirrel robot.

The robots all advanced towards Scourge. The green hedgehog tried to free himself from the grip, but when he saw the others approaching, he felt more pressure. Scourge then pushes his body forward, eventually throwing the chameleon robot away and hitting him on the crocodile robot. The other three continued on.

Scourge, after catching his breath, runs towards them. Using his super speed, he knocks down the armadillo robot and the squirrel robot with punches and kicks. And finally it turns until it becomes a ball and collides with the robot-bee, destroying it. When he stops spinning, the green hedgehog, feeling victorious, is smiling and with his eyes closed. But then he is hit by a strong taser, who electrocutes him, the taser was thrown by the crocodile robot, then the other four also throw their tasers at the green hedgehog. Before long, Scourge passes out.

"Damn hedgehog. It cost me one of my dear robots. Take him. And get the other black hedgehog."

Rubies soon got to his feet, in a combat position. Umbra was paralyzed with fear. The armadillo robot approached, Rubis flew towards him, the robot just threw something at the bat. It was a ballerina, who soon attached Rubis' wings. It fell to the floor. The robot continued on its way to Umbra, until it stopped in front of him and with a punch to his forehead, knocked him out. Then she started to carry it for her master.

Airam lifted her left sleeve and started fiddling with an electronic device on her wrist. Suddenly there was a loud crash, going through the forest, cutting down the trees, a big machine appears, something similar to a big truck, but with wheels from a battle tank. Everyone was startled. The machine stopped next to Airam. A door opened, and from within it, a ladder appeared. The crocodile robot lifted the structure where Shadow was trapped, using the force in his arms. Soon, all the robots entered the big machine, taking the hedgehog prisoners.

"Well ... I'll be going, come and see me later." Airam said goodbye with a smile on his face.
Rouge was in shock. She didn't know what to do now.

The big machine started to move. Rouge came out of his trance when he saw Rubies flying towards the machine. With that Rouge flew towards her, intending to stop her. She managed to grab it. Rubies struggled and screamed to jump, to no avail. Rouge wept to see the other bat in that state. When the machine was out of sight, Rubis stopped and started sobbing. Rouge took her to the floor and released her. Rubies fell to the floor on their knees. She covered her face with her hands and wept.

Rouge knelt beside her and put his hands on the shoulders of the other bat. "Rubies, please don't be like this."

Rubis took Rouge's hands away and shouted. "And how am I supposed to look?"

Rouge lowered his ears and looked away. But he soon changed his countenance to a serious face and stood up. "I'm going after her. Go to dr. Ovi Kintobor. Ask him for help."

"The Doctor. I saw him? He is not a doctor? How will he help rescue them?"

"He will go."

Rubis was afraid at first.


Rubies then spread its wings and started flying towards the Hospital Tower. While Rouge was flying, following the trail left by the big machine.

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