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You had vowed never to step foot in a club unless you were at least tipsy, if not borderline drunk, and tonight was one of those nights you thanked yourself for having learnt that lesson back in England during your university years.

The club (one of the swankiest you had ever been too) was packed with up and coming influencers, celebrities and models, a scene you were not unaccustomed to. Having worked as a personal assistant in New York for a few years now - and a bloody good one at that, you were high on the wanted list of PA's - meant having to come up close and personal with fame regularly. The unphased, borderline professional aura you had built up around celebrities was something that had certainly helped your reputation grow when working with past famous names.

You felt confident in your all black outfit - you knew how to dress to your body and was aware you did it well due to the male gazes that caught your eye. It was your best friend Emmy's 25th birthday and you were excited to be celebrating with her, even if part of that excitement was due to a certain fellow Englishman who you knew would be making an appearance tonight. Emmy and her boyfriend, Niall Horan, had been together for years, even before you met her when you first moved to New York two years ago; they'd even stuck by each other while he had skyrocketed to fame as a singer. The manager of his record label, Harry Styles, was well known for his musical background and savvy business skills, not forgetting his charismatic talent, which meant he had a secure grasp on the fame ladder too.

You and your friends were the last to join the group at the private booth in the corner of the club, as it was a given for the birthday girl and her entourage to be fashionably late. As you made your way around the group greeting everyone you couldn't shake the feeling of someones gaze following you, and when your turned around you realised you were correct. A pair of jewel-like green eyes locked onto yours and then slowly slid up and down your body, making your stomach do a small flip, as he approached you from the shadows of the booth.

"I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting yet, I'm Harry."

His London accent was thick and ignited something similar to the warmth of home in your bones, causing a small smile to spread across your face, one that caused a similar stomach flip in the curly haired man now opposite you. You admired his long chestnut curls that framed plump pink lips, the bottom one currently captured by his perfect teeth as his playful gaze held yours.

"Cecy," you replied with a smile.

He was used to girls staring at him in open-mouthed shock whenever he spoke to them, but your small confident smile that felt like a breath of fresh air surprised him. He knew you had a few mutual friends here tonight, but he knew you more because of your reputation among his celebrity friends; some may say you were a PA with a force to be reckoned with, however he never expected to lay his eyes upon you and feel a stirring in his gut that was far from innocent.

Clubs were not usually his scene, Harry had already started to feel a bit bored, but he had made an exception tonight and he was bloody thankful he had. If the feelings stirring inside the pair of you were anything to go off of, this night might have just gotten a whole lot better.

After having done the rounds of hello's and a fair amount of small talk you decided it was most definitely time for another drink, or maybe two. Harry watched you as you slipped away from the group and headed to the bar, your hair swaying like silk down your back, his eyes just so happening to the carry on with their path downwards and resting on your ass (which you knew looked great in your outfit so who could blame him?). In a split-second instinct he decided he conveniently needed another drink too.

He sided next to you at the bar, hoping it would catch your attention away from the obnoxious male currently talking your ear of. You took your chance to escape the drawling conversation as the bar tender approached your end of the bar and had just started out with a "Hi, can I -" before a strong accent cut across you.

"Yeah, hi, can I get a double vodka coke for myself, and...what would you like, Cecelia?" He asked, turning to you with a smirk, the use of your full name surprising you albeit it a pleasant one.

Your surly glare softened slightly towards him, as even though he had just interrupted you, he was about to buy you a drink and free alcohol was something you would never complain about.

"I'll have a vodka lemonade please," you began before turning to the bartender, "and make it a double."

"And we'll have two tequila shots please," Harry added, before coming to murmur into your ear, "you can handle that, can't you darling?"

His teasing tone and matching smirk led you to raise an eyebrow in response, "Trying to get me drunk Mr Styles?" you questioned in a low, sassy tone, but the glimmer in your eyes caused his perfect pink lips to split open into a goofy grin that melted your heart ever so slightly.

Secretly you knew that tequila would definitely get you very drunk, and you were planning to avoid that tonight, as tequila had led to many messy, blacked out nights. But all reason was out of the window at this point due to the fact that Harry's tone had, maybe, quite possibly, caused a flutter between your thighs and flooded your body with excitement you just couldn't ignore.

As the drinks arrived Harry motioned towards the small shot glasses lined up with the salt and slices of lime, "Ladies first," he said, followed by a cheeky wink. He watched you through slightly hooded eyes as you licked the back of your hand and shook some salt onto the damp patch, all the while maintaining eye contact, and Harry groaned inwardly as blood rushed straight to his cock as he thought of you licking his tip in a similar manner. You raised the glass to your pretty pink lips and didn't even flinch when the sharp liquid hit the back of your throat, then lightly sucked on the lime, "Your turn," you smiled sweetly at him, even though you were fully aware of the effect you were having on him.

He followed in suit and could already feel a mix of adrenaline and sensual energy course through his body, "Well since that went down so nicely, what do you say to another one love?"

And when you obliged with a nod of your head, your full bottom lip trapped by your teeth suppressing a full grin, flirty excitement sparkling in your eyes, Harry felt a stirring in his heart that had been absent for what felt like forever.

hi everyone!

just thought i would do a little introductory authors note; i'm Kaitlyn and thanku for reading my book :)

i've been on Wattpad for almost 7 years now (omg) and wrote a divergent fanfic back in the day (if u read it pls don't judge too harshly lol i tried) but kinda lost touch with it as I started getting into one direction/harry fics a lot more

i've had this idea in my drafts for quite a while but when gcses, alevels and uni hit i just lost touch with writing, but now with lockdown and all that happening i've found the inspiration and started it back up again and i'm really pleased i have!

anyway, just a few notes on the book itself - i really enjoy reading fics that don't necessarily have a female character who looks a certain way/is played by someone in particular because i prefer to imagine myself as the character (lol who doesn't) so i came up with a name as didn't want to be constantly using y/n or something like that!  i want you to get as much out of this book as possible so if her facial description seems lacking at any point this is why :) 

secondly, i really enjoy creating outfits/mood boards for my characters and chapters as I feel it just gives you guys a better picture of the details that sometimes get a bit boring when they're all written up - obviously feel free to completely ignore these if you prefer to imagine something different!

thirdly, there will be mature content throughout. this includes: sexual scenes, swearing, alcohol (as you can tell ^) and a bit of sexual harassment. if you are uncomfortable with any of these topics then please take the time to consider whether this book is appropriate for you.

i think thats all from me, sorry this was a bit long but just wanted to give you guys a little bit of background!! happy reading :)

kait x

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