A scheduled visit

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June, 6th

This is just a quick note to say this story is published on the day the best person in the whole universe was born. And although I already gave her a birthday gift, I hope this would make it extra special. 

Happy birthday, Nikki - my BFF, my pixie friend, my coffee buddy, my partner-in-crime, my sister by choice, my part-time therapist (and cue 'how does that make you feel')... Finally, you're 18 and... and... is that a grey hair I see? Kidding! But I am dead serious when I say I hope you'll live to turn 100 one day - damn, what a party that will be. I'll bring the vodka, you just call those sexy firemen and cops that ring your doorbell and threaten to arrest you for 'disturbing the peace'. You know which firemen and cops I mean. 

I hope this story will bring a smile to your face and make you fall in love with yet another dwarf (as if obsessing over Thorin isn't enough). Enjoy your special day and remember, I love you more than coffee and Derek Hale combined!
Besites forever!

Now, let the story begin...

It was a well-known fact that Bilbo Baggins was not fond of visitors, even less uninvited ones. His neighbours had given up on inviting him for dinner, as well as hoping on getting invited by him. The Hobbits in the Shire had simply given up on the Baggins of Bag End and let him be, only greeting him when they saw him out in his garden or at the market.

There was, however, one person the hobbit welcomed into his home with a warm smile and a well-prepared dinner. And she felt absolutely flattered about it.

He always went out of his way when it came to their scheduled visit once a month; cleaning every nook and cranny of his hobbit-hole, heading out to the market for ingredients and supplies, spending a whole day baking her favourite rolls, biscuits and pumpkin pie, and even going as far as tending to his garden - especially to the little blue flowers in the barrel beside his door; periwinkles.

Only when Bilbo is absolutely satisfied with his handiwork, he allows himself to relax and wait for her arrival. However, today had been different and not in a good way.

The hobbit had an unexpected visitor that morning, one that wore grey robes, a pointy hat and who wanted the hobbit to go on an adventure. How absurd! Bilbo had locked himself in his house until Gandalf left. How inconvenient; he still had to run to the market to buy ingredients for dinner that night and now he had to worry about the wizard stalking him around the Shire.
That short, unexpected visit from Gandalf the Grey managed to make the hobbit almost late that day. He started dinner an hour too late, only got around to cleaning half of his house, and never even tended his garden. He still had a million and one things to do but it was too late. She would be here any moment now...

Periwinkle was never one to rush; she felt she would miss out too much on life. She never made plans she had to stick to and moved at a pace that suited her carefree nature. It was one of the things about her that made her wonder how in the world did she manage to befriend Bilbo Baggins. He lived alone, was hardly social or spontaneous, and yet he was always precisely on time for dinner with himself.

Yet, she respected his odd personality. Dinner once a month with her hobbit friend was the only thing she was ever on time for. And he felt absolutely flattered about it.
She always went out of her way to start her travels as early as possible to reach the Shire at a certain time, never stopping much on the road except when it was absolutely necessary. And she would wash up and dress nicely as well because Bilbo Baggins was neat and tidy. She would hate trudging mud into his cosy little house and smell of dirt and nature.

Anyone who knew how much trouble each of them went through for the other, would think they fancied each other. That was not the case.

Yes, they were extremely fond of one another, but for other reasons. Bilbo had no friends and everyone thought him unsocial. Periwinkle had no family and thus no permanent home, and Bilbo was her only friend. Bilbo was cautious and she not, and sometimes if she was lucky, she could drag him out to the Green Dragon and get him to loosen up a bit. Opposites attract, they say. In the hobbit and the human's case that could not be truer.

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