Lady of the West, fortune seer, and now... dwarf smuggler

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The fog that covered the water was... unsettling to say the least. It covered everything like a blanket, making the smallest things seem enormous, and left everything it touched cold and damp - truly as if being touched by death.

Periwinkle gritted on her teeth to keep them from clattering and huddled closer to Bofur. He had both arms around her, rubbing hers to warm her up, although it was difficult while they were all soaked to the skin.

"Wh-what's the... man's n-name?" She breathed out, barely loud enough for anyone to hear.
When Bofur couldn't answer the question, Bilbo spoke up, "Bard. His name is Bard."

The hobbit hardly left her side after Oin saved her life. Bilbo sat next to Bofur with his head leaning against one of the barrels, wondering what would've happened if she didn't come back. Would Thorin have cancelled or postponed the quest? Would he have been able to continue without her? Yes, he was hurt when Thorin said those words about him in the cave outside Goblin Town, but nothing could describe what he felt when he saw her like that.

"Kind of him to help us." Periwinkle whispered into Bofur's neck as she tried warming up her face.

Bofur let out a sigh at the feeling of her against him and lightly ran his fingers down her hair, stopping when he reached the hair clip that barely held her unruly locks together. He brushed a finger over it, wondering about the courting gift he wanted to give her once they reclaimed the mountain. Maybe it should match the hair clip. Yes, it could. He'd craft something with periwinkles, something blue...

The funny-hatted dwarf startled when Bombur and Bifur joined him on the deck of the barge, both sitting cross-legged and looking at him with twinkling eyes and disturbing smiles. When he shook his head to silently ask them what they were smiling about, Bifur only signed the words that nearly made Bofur have a stroke.

'The Company knows.'

Bombur rapidly nodded in confirmation, his chin and cheeks bouncing at the movement.

Bofur glanced down at Periwinkle, now asleep with her face still nuzzled in his neck before whispering to them, "What are you lads talkin' about?"

"They're talking about," Balin grinned as he joined their little group, "you finding your One, lad."

"Aye!" Gloin exclaimed, "Congratulations, lad! We're all ha-"

"By my beard, will ya be quiet!" Dwalin gave him a light punch in the stomach, "You'll wake 'er up."

Bofur tightened his grip on her, pulling her even closer to him than was already possible, "I don't know wh-"

Thorin's soft chuckle cut him off and the next thing he knew, the whole Company was huddled around him and Periwinkle, "There's no need to hide it, Bofur. We all saw how you held her earlier."

"Much like you are now," Nori added smugly. Bofur frowned, ready to ask how was he holding her, when Nori provided an explanation in the same breath, "Like a dragon protecting its treasure."

The dwarves and Bilbo chortled at the blush that coloured the silly dwarf's cheeks. At least he was beginning to smile a bit, first starting with his mouth corners tugging upwards. Stealing another look at the lass in his arms drove him to beam, unable to conceal it any longer.

"Look how red he is." Fili chuckled.

"Well, guess that would explain why you were so quiet when the lads tried courting her." Gloin stated, "Who would've thought you'd found yer One, eh? We would've never noticed."

Bilbo's head jerked up as he sent the dwarves a blunt look, "How did you not notice? It was clear as daylight!" A hush from Bofur made him lower his voice, "Sorry, sorry... I mean, it was clear as daylight."

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