I did not expect... biceps

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"Where did Bofur go?" Periwinkle asked and searched about the room for the silly dwarf.

"Oh..." Bilbo wiggled his nose, "H-he went to, uh, catch some air..."

Of course, that wasn't true.

It happened in a split second; Bifur and Bombur had grabbed Bofur and shoved him into the first room they saw, slamming the doors before Periwinkle could spot him. Bofur stumbled backwards and nearly landed on his behind at the force Bombur had shoved him in. He caught himself just before he could hit the floor.

"Oi, what are ye lads up to?" He exclaimed as he found his balance.

Their responses came quick and confusing. Somewhere between Bombur's rambling and Bifur's signing the silly dwarf could make out what they wanted. Apparently, they will not stand by and watch him court his One while smelling faintly of fish and while his hair stood on end as it did. No, he had to make an impression. She should not be able to resist him. Saying 'no' shouldn't be an option.

Bofur tried telling them that he was no prince like Fili and Kili, or a brooding king like Thorin, or a muscled warrior as Dwalin. He also tried telling them that he felt his chances were good enough... but they were having none of it. He had to admit, though, it would be nice not to smell of fish while he asked her permission to court her. So he let his brother and cousin do as they please.

Meanwhile, Bilbo was left with his best friend to 'stall' her. It would've been easy if he wasn't aware of what was being planned behind closed doors. Bilbo usually could keep a straight face when he needed to keep a secret, but this time his abilities were being tested.

"What injuries did you get?" He blurted the first thing that came to mind.

Periwinkle, who was still searching for Bofur, turned to her friend with a shrug, "Besides the gash in my leg, only a few bruises on my back and sides. Oin stressed I might have cracked a rib, but I think I proved him wrong."

"O-oh, what did you do?"

"I held his hearing trumpet in the air where he couldn't reach it." She smirked, "Apparently, besides Thorin, I'm the worst patients he's ever had."

The hobbit breathed a laugh, "I'm sure he didn't mean it." Bilbo wiggled his nose when another question came to mind, "So, how're things between you and Bofur?"

The mere mention of the silly dwarf's name made her cheeks flush. Periwinkle hauled her shoulders up bashfully and hid her face behind a curtain of hair, "Good, I think. That is if you count playful banter and flirting. Other than that..." She winced, thus giving him her answer.
Internally Bilbo was rubbing his hands together smugly. He scooted closer to her and spoke in a low voice, "I overheard him speaking to Bifur and Bombur."

Periwinkle blinked, "Yes?"

"He's planning on asking if he can court you."

"What?!" He signalled her to be quiet and she lowered her voice, "Sorry, I mean... what?"

The hobbit nodded fervently, "I heard him confess to giving you the hair clip."

There was no controlling the smile on her face. Periwinkle felt she could run on water, climb the Lonely Mountain barefoot, even ride a stone giant in the midst of a storm. She was that happy. So happy she could hardly find words to speak, "When... when does he... you know... what time..."

"Oh, I think as soon as he returns." Bilbo replied nonchalantly.

That seemed to shock her back to thinking clearly. Periwinkle jumped to her feet, ignoring the sharp pain in her thigh and held her arms sideways, "How do I look? Court worthy? How's my hair? How do I smell?"

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