Not quite the welcome they expected

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It was around noon when the boat reached the shore. The five members of the Company were quick to gather their belongings and step onto the dry land. The climb uphill was challenging with Kili's still healing leg and every few minutes they had to take a short rest for the prince to regain his strength.

It was during one of those short rests that Periwinkle took a step back to look up to the Lonely Mountain before them. It was magnificent. Words could not describe what she felt at that moment. They made it. They made it. Months of travelling, riding, walking, sleeping under the stars, surviving, running from threats, and they finally made it - a bit late, but still, rather late than never.

They climbed out the last steep hill before reaching an open plain that stretched all the way to the gates of Erebor. Here and there large boulders lied scattered about, and to their left... what's left of a city. Periwinkle paused when she saw the ruins, white and barren, a skeleton of what once was a civilization. Somehow it felt familiar, a tiny feeling within her telling her she's been there before.

"The city of Dale." Oin said when he noticed her staring, "It used to be known for its prosperous trade and markets before the dragon attacked. A true gem before burnt to the ground."

"I can imagine." She muttered and tore her eyes from the ruins. There'll be plenty of time to investigate and explore it later.

They made their way across the plain towards the gates of Erebor. However, when they finally reached the entrance of the mountain, they stopped abruptly. The gate was in complete ruin, a massive hole broken through the entrance where Smaug had escaped through. It never crossed their minds before, but what became of the rest of the Company while the five of them were left behind in Laketown?

They shared looks of fear and concern before sprinting through the hole into the mountain.

 There was no sign of the others and Bofur called out in worry, "Hello! Bombur? Bifur? Anybody?"

"Maybe they're deeper into the mountain." Periwinkle tried keeping them motivated and looked over at their healer, "Oin, you know these halls. Lead the way."

The old dwarf nodded once and hastily walked ahead with the others short on his heels. Periwinkle grasped Bofur's hand in hers, giving it a tight squeeze for comfort. Valar knew if anything happened to any of the dwarves or Bilbo...

They followed Oin and clambered through the halls, looking for the rest of their Company.

 Despite her concern, Periwinkle couldn't help but be in complete awe of the mountain. The halls, bridges, stairs and columns were all crafted with marble and richly coloured minerals. And although it was dark, she already knew Erebor was a gem itself when it was still run by the line of Durin. She had complete and utter faith in Thorin to restore it to its former glory. What a day that would be.

They descended another set of marble stairs that led deeper down the mountain when a voice echoed through the mountain chamber, "Wait!"

Periwinkle stopped abruptly, "Bilbo?"

"Wait!" The voice came again and this time its owner appeared before them.

"Bilbo!" She nearly cried at the sight of him unharmed and well. Her arms went up, ready to engulf and perhaps crush him in a hug... only for her hobbit friend to push her back.

"No, wait, stop, stop, stop!" He was frantic, eyes wide with fear as he stepped away from her welcoming embrace.

A bit taken aback by his behaviour, Periwinkle frowned and lowered her arms, "What's wrong? Did something happen?" Was someone hurt, or worse... dead? Valar, please don't let that be it.
Bilbo shook his head rapidly, "You need to leave. We all need to leave."

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