How to win friends and achieve your goal by almost dying - Part 2

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"We didn't know he'd actually do it!" Kili quickly defended, "Look, it is nothing. He is a burglar after all. He'll be alright."

It was all too much. Bilbo was on his way to steal back ponies from bloody trolls - a hobbit against trolls! That was like making a bunny fight against wolves.

"Bilbo Baggins doesn't know the first thing of burgling!" The Company fell silent at her outburst. Periwinkle breathed hard and rapidly, her eyes ablaze in the light of the fire as she glared from the princes to Thorin, "You have to go help him."

No response.

She straightened up and squared her shoulders, "Very well, I'll do it. I am responsible for his safety, after all. Says so in the contract. That he signed. As a member of your Company."

Thirteen pairs of eyes watched her flung her bow over her shoulder and tie a sword to her belt. She was absolutely serious about this and determined to save Bilbo.

Bofur was on the verge of volunteering to go with her, when Thorin's voice sounded above the silence, "Alright!" She paused and turned to him. The leader sighed and glared at his nephews. It was them who started this, it was only fair they should end this, "Fili, Kili, run ahead and see how our burglar is holding up. The rest of you, with me."

The dwarves did not beat around the bush as they picked up their arms and marched towards the forest. Periwinkle was well on their heels when a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Not you." Thorin told her sternly, "Having one member of the Company in the clutches of trolls is bad enough."

"I can fight." She stood her ground, tapping the hilt of her sword to prove her point.

"And you yet have to prove it, just not against trolls." He said in the same tone of authority, "But this is an order. Stay here. We shall return shortly with the hobbit."

Periwinkle could not argue with him. He gave her an order and as much as she wanted to kick that order aside, she felt she would only be in the way. She could fight, yes, but dwarves were built and bred for battle. And they numbered thirteen against three trolls. Their chances seemed pretty good.

With a huff, she gave in. Periwinkle stepped back and watched the Company advance towards the forest. One of them, however, turned to catch a glimpse of her. She smiled weakly at Bofur and sent him a wave. He returned it with a grin and then they were gone.

As soon as she was sure no one could see her, she kicked at the ground and sent several tufts of grass flying. What were Fili and Kili thinking? If this was one of their jokes or pranks... it annoyed her even more that she had no idea how she could get back at them. Hiding their clothes could not justify what they did - besides, she didn't think they would care much. She felt powerless.
And a bit curious.

She never saw trolls before. And a part of her was also curious to see the dwarves in battle.
It did not take much convincing on her side. Periwinkle adjusted the sword on her belt and bolted after the Company. She ducked underneath the fallen trees in her way and jumped over the lower obstacles. The cool air caused tears to prick at the corners of her eyes, though she pushed on until she spotted a light in the distance and heard the squeals and screams that followed.

Periwinkle came to a halt near the edge of the forest and overlooked a small clearing. A fire was ablaze in the middle and the dwarves were manoeuvring around it as they unleashed hell upon the trolls, who did not stand a chance. They were outnumbered and way too slow to keep up with the dwarves.

It was a sight to behold; the Company working together in battle, each one bringing something of his own to the fight. Dwalin and Gloin brought strength, Fili and Kili speed, and the others tactics of their own. They sliced at the back of the trolls' knees, stabbed them in their stomachs, jumped from each other's back to deliver higher blows to the trolls' heads, busted out the beasts' teeth when they were low enough, and brought their weapons down on their feet, earning agonizing howls from the trolls. Whenever a member of the Company was in trouble, two instantly came to their aid.

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