Grumpy beginnings

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The dwarves were up before sunrise, just as Thorin ordered. They quietly cleaned up the rest of the mess they made, rolled up their blankets and gathered their cloaks and weapons.

Periwinkle, on the other hand, had been lying awake for the last two hours, unable to contain her excitement for the quest to begin. She had already packed the previous night, leaving the unnecessary things in the spare bedroom Bilbo always lend her, and only keeping the things she thought she'd need the most.

After she dressed in her travel clothes, she hurried to the kitchen to brew a pot of tea for the dwarves who'd fancy some before leaving. Some greeted her good morning as they passed through the kitchen, some didn't - Thorin. Periwinkle paid him no attention and served up cups of honey tea for those who came to ask.

Moments later, Ori, Dori, Oin, Bombur and Bofur were seated around the small kitchen table, enjoying one last drink before Thorin announced their departure. But there was one thing missing; Bilbo.

"I'm not going!"

The few dwarves at the table turned their heads to find Periwinkle forcing a very flustered Bilbo into the kitchen, the latter digging his heels into the floor as she pushed him through the doorway.

"Yes... you... are..." Periwinkle said with each push.

Bilbo nearly fell when she finally managed to get him in the kitchen. He was already dressed for travelling, his pack used to be on his back, but one look at himself in the mirror and the hobbit instantly decided against everything that was decided the previous night. He planned on hiding in his room until the dwarves left, but Periwinkle 'kindly insisted' that he open the door - and that was when she attacked.

"I am not going on a quest and that's final." The hobbit raised his voice and pulled his coat straight. "You go ahead. I'll stay here, read my books, and in a month when you come to visit you can tell me all about it."

"You completely miss the point, Bilbo!" Periwinkle groaned, "You're going on this quest to bring back your own tales. And because you signed the contract."

The hobbit wiggled his nose in annoyance, his eyes darting between her and the doorway to the hall.

In a beat, Bilbo sidestepped, attempting to slip past her, although, Periwinkle was quicker and hopped to the side, blocking his way. He tried again to the other side, but again she cut off his escape route.

Bilbo huffed and nearly stomped his foot like a child, "I'm not going, Periwinkle. And you can't make me."

Periwinkle held his stare, never blinking once. The dwarves wordlessly placed their coin purses on the table, a silent wager on who'd win; Ori and Bofur for Periwinkle and Dori, Bombur and Oin for Bilbo.

At that moment, Thorin's voice came from the front door, "Everyone get ready. We leave in a moment."

Periwinkle realized time was running out. Bilbo was already dressed, she had his pack on her back, and all that was missing was his cooperation. She caught Thorin ordering Fili and Kili to fetch the ponies and felt relieved for the extra time.

"Alright, let's just..." Her eyes searched around for ideas and landed on Dori pouring for him a final cup of tea. Nice. "Let's just have a quick cup of tea before I leave, then. Who knows when I'll return."

Bilbo shrugged. He could do that; one last drink with his best friend. At least she wasn't dragging him on a quest anymore.

The hobbit made himself comfortable beside Bofur, who sent him a warm smile. Honestly, he just couldn't wait for the dwarves to leave him and his house in peace. Goodness knows how long it will take to fill the pantry up again. And fix the plumbing in the bathroom.

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