Wizards, wargs and bunnies

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The cave was, bluntly stated, a troll hoard. Even from its mouth, Periwinkle could smell the stench coming from the inside, and it nearly made her eyes water. She could not care what was inside, fresh air was far more worth than risking her good health. Valar knows what kind of diseases she could pick up inside.

"Aren't ya comin' in, lass?" Bofur called once he noticed she was no longer at his side.

"No thanks, I choose health." She declined and took a giant step backwards. Periwinkle held her sleeve in front of her nose, "Bring me something if it catches your eye, but I think I'll stay right here."

Bofur chuckled heartily before following the few that were brave enough to withstand the stench. That left her with Fili, Kili, Ori, Dori, Oin, Balin, Bifur, Bombur and Bilbo. There were a few barrels and chests scattered around the cave as well, and some of the dwarves were more than curious to open them and see what's inside.

Periwinkle snooped around the trinkets as well but found nothing that interested her. So she joined Bilbo on the sideline instead to keep an eye on the Company. The hobbit briefly looked up at her and asked, "Feeling better?"

She snorted, "You can say that yes. Though, deep down inside, I still feel like I'm going to be sick any moment now. You know, that was the first time I've ever seen trolls in all my years of travelling."

"R-really?" Bilbo blinked and wiggled his nose, "And still you rushed in to save us."

"It seemed like a good idea at the moment."

Bilbo and Periwinkle were making small talk when two shadows fell over them. Both the hobbit and his friend glanced up to find Fili and Kili standing there, their faces riddled with guilt and awkwardness. Periwinkle quirked a brow, remembering she was still upset over their little prank. They could've had Bilbo killed, or worse, all of them.

"Uh, we... I... you see, we..." Kili started but completely failed to say what he planned in his head.

Fili clamped his hand over his brother's mouth so save the moment, "We want to apologize. To both of you. We didn't mean for anyone to get hurt."

"We didn't think Mister Boggins would actually have gone to save the ponies." Kili manages to get something right.

"We were irresponsible and we're sorry." The older prince finished.

Periwinkle crossed her arms and slowly advanced towards them. Both the princes glanced from her to each other nervously, wondering what she was thinking or planning. When she stopped only a foot from them, they swore they could melt under the heat of her eyes.

In a mere second, her expression changed and she smiled brightly at the two princes, "You two are too sweet. Apology accepted." They opened their mouths to voice their relief, but she quickly added, "Just know, if you pull anything like that again, I'll shave your heads and beards in your sleep - I'll use my poppy powder."

Fili and Kili were statues. Kili slowly reached up and covered the little facial hair he had with one hand, absolutely terrified by the threat. Instead, the backed away slowly before scurrying over to Balin for safety.

"Mahal, she's scary," Kili muttered to his older brother.

One by one the dwarves emerged from the cave; first Thorin and Dwalin and then Nori, Gloin and Bofur. Gandalf was the last to poke out his head. The wizard searched about until his eyes landed on Bilbo and beckoned the hobbit over. Bilbo pursed his lips as he glanced at Periwinkle. She only ushered him to go on and he quickly shuffled over to the wizard.

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