The start of a new adventure

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Quick warning: a little hot and heavy scene in this chapter. Not lemony in the least, more peachy if you ask me.

To say that Bofur was startled awake was an understatement. The poor dwarf literally fell off the bed when he stirred awake to find a shirtless Periwinkle beside him. The latter shot upright at the heavy thud Bofur hit the floor with, head whipping about when she discovered that he was no longer next to her.
“Bofur?” Periwinkle asked, suddenly wide awake.
“Lass…” Came his reply from the floor. She leaned over his side of the bed and peered down, finding a very flustered, very confused, and very dishevelled dwarf on the floor looking up at her with wide eyes, “Wh… what happened last night? We didn’t… I didn’t… did we?”
She grinned and shook her head, “No, we didn’t.”
“Ah, thank Mahal!” His head dropped back in relief, “Was afraid I ruined our first time for a moment there.” But in a flash, that sudden concern vanished from his eyes and that mischievous glint was back, “Well, if we didn’t shag, then what did we do, if ya catch my drift?”
“Absolutely nothing.” Periwinkle snorted as his face fell, “You wouldn’t rest until I removed my shirt, and the moment I did you fell asleep - contently if I might add.”
“Well, now I just feel like a fool.” Bofur pouted and rose to his feet, squinting his eyes at his own sudden movement, “And a wee bit hungover.”
Periwinkle wrapped the blanket around her bare chest and scooted closer to him, running her hand up his side and to his shoulder, pulling him to her before capturing his lips in a brief but sweet kiss, “We should get ready. Got a wedding to plan and you still have to braid my hair.”
That seemed to instantly lift his spirits, “Aye, and I almost forgot. We need to take a little walk later. Gotta give ya yer betrothal gift.”
“My what?”

No matter how much Periwinkle nagged and coaxed him into telling her what he got her during breakfast, Bofur didn’t mutter a peep. Not even Bifur and Bombur helped her out. In fact, each member of the Company only sat there with grins and smirks on their smug faces. Obviously they all knew what Bofur had planned - Thorin especially. He lost count how many times he had to take walks with Bofur to hear about his ‘ideas’, and talk about his fourteenth share of the treasure. The dwarf king had to give it to the funny-hatted dwarf, he was creative and more romantic than anyone gave him credit for.
The following days would be busy. With the dwarves of the Blue Mountains home, Thorin had to sort out their housing arrangements. Some of the older generations, who lived there at the time Smaug attacked, still remembered where they resided and insisted on moving back to their former houses. At the same time, the members of the Company were offered special homes near the royal wing of the mountain - Bofur and Periwinkle included. It was almost relevant to the surprise the silly dwarf had in store for his One.
“Traitors.” Periwinkle finally gave up and slouched in her chair, crossing her arms, “Thirteen months of travelling together, guiding you through the dangers of Middle Earth, and providing you with entertainment, and this is how you repay me? I ought to shave your beards in your sleep.”
Dwalin’s eyes grew and he placed a protective hand over his beard. He’s already lost his mohawk in the past, losing his beard would be the death of him. Kili seemed just as intimidated since he had the smallest beard of them all and cherished the little stubble he had - what would Tauriel think if Periwinkle shaved it off?
“Just go and show her, Bofur.” Thorin said at last, “Before her threats send Dwalin running.”
“Yes!” Periwinkle cheered when they were excused from breakfast, grabbing Bofur by the arm and nearly dragged him off his chair at her excitement, “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”
The Company chuckled heartily when Bofur’s hat fell over his eyes, resulting in him running into chairs and clutter as she pulled him along, and finally, walking right into the wall. And for the millionth time since the two of them courted, the dwarves realized just how lucky Bofur truly was for landing such a lass - he would never be bored in his life!
When Bofur finally managed to push his hat back, he could take the lead. He intertwined his fingers with hers and gently pulled her down several hallways. Periwinkle was buzzing with excitement, although she kept telling him over and over that he didn’t have to get her anything since, well, she didn’t get him anything. She had no idea how their courting customs worked - Balin still had to inform her. Periwinkle would have gotten him something eventually nonetheless, but they haven’t even been engaged for a day yet. And here he was, already spoiling her as if she was a princess.
The hallway they were walking through was familiar. Periwinkle noted if they took another left turn, they would reach the set of doors that led to her and Bofur’s balcony that’s more a watchtower. And it seemed as if that was where they were heading.
Bofur led her towards their balcony where a new staircase ‘magically’ appeared in the few weeks they haven’t visited it. Periwinkle only eyed the new structure suspiciously and glanced at Bofur. All he could respond with was a smug grin and shrug before leading her down the steps. It was a long climb before they reached the bottom of the mountain, but at least Bofur made it interesting by commenting on the ‘splendid view’ he had from behind her. And no, he wasn’t talking about the mountains on the horizon and the valley below.
Once they were on the ground, Bofur’s excitement nearly doubled. This time it was his turn to grab Periwinkle by the arm and drag her along the foot of the mountain. At last, they stopped at a small clearing. It was close to the gates of Erebor and just a few yards from Dale and surrounded by a clump of trees in the early phases of bloom. The grasslands and forests around the mountain improved relatively well after Smaug had been taken care of. It was as if his presence put a stop on all aspects of life while he resided in the mountain.
“Alright, just stand right… here.” Bofur steered Periwinkle to a certain spot, making sure she was facing the right direction before backing up, never taking his eyes off her.
She snorted when he almost tripped over his own feet and shook her head at his child-like excitement, “Alright, what am I looking at?”
Bofur paused, his face lighting up in the happiest smile she has ever seen, “Our home.”
Her eyes widened ever so slightly as she tore her gaze from him to look about the clearing, wondering what was going on in that head of his.
Bofur jumped at the opportunity to paint her a picture of what he was imagining. He hurried to a certain spot and held his arms out, taking a little twirl as he announced, “’Tis here is the porch, and if ya follow me over here…” He beckoned her towards him and opened an imaginary door, “… now yer steppin’ into the kitchen - welcome, welcome. And if ya follow me over here, you’ll start to feel the warmth of the hearth. Oh, and here…” Periwinkle couldn’t help but smile as he rushed over to another spot, gesturing at the grassy earth as he blurted out, “This will be the bedroom and here,” He gestured to a spot next to it, “the bathroom, and over there…” He scurried to the far end of the clearing, “… the garden.”
Periwinkle wandered through the ‘imaginary’ house, seeing the walls and furniture materialize the more she thought of it. But it seemed as if Bofur wasn’t done.
“Oh, and Thorin said when spring comes and the trees are in full bloom, this wee piece of land is completely surrounded by forest. And during the raining seasons, there’s a stream just a little west of here. A house near a stream with lots o’ trees, just as ye said.”
Periwinkle heart jumped - a house with lots of trees, near a stream. He remembered. That was mere little fantasy she had back in Mirkwood, a heat of the moment dream when Fili asked her what she envisioned for her future. But now that she heard what Bofur planned, pictured what he pointed out… it was starting to feel a lot like home.
“How long have you been planning this?” She muttered as she approached him.
“Uh, a little longer than a month maybe?” Bofur’s cheeks reddened a bit.
That’s when all the pieces came together, “That’s why you’ve been disappearing these past few weeks. You were house-hunting!”
“Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag, then.” He smiled a bit guiltily, “But I’m still gonna ask, what do ya think?”
Periwinkle tapped her chin sagely, “I like it. A lot actually.”
“Good.” Bofur chirped, “’Cause I already bought it.”
“Aye, with my fourteenth share.”
What?!” Periwinkle was floored. Her hands came up to cover her mouth, although her eyes betrayed her shock and true emotions. And Valar, did she feel a lot of things that moment. Her voice was muffled behind her hands as she chocked out, “You… you used your… your share to do this? For me?”
“Aye. Like I said, lass,” Bofur smiled lovingly at her, “you are worth more than any treasure. Seein’ that smile, seein’ ya happy, that’s all that I care ‘bout.” He placed his hands on her waist and in the same breath, added, “And we’ll be close to the mountain. I was thinkin’ of headin’ back to the mines once they open again, and Bifur asked if we could start a wee business together. He’s got a few ideas for toys. This,” He gestured at the little piece of land, “this is the perfect home for us, Amrâlimê.”
There was no stopping her. Periwinkle surged forward, planted her hands on his cheeks, and crashed her lips onto his. Bofur made a noise of surprise but was quickly replaced with a breathy sigh when her hands ran down his face to land on his braids, giving them a tug that was a little too hard to be innocent. Afterwards, she was showering every inch of his face with kisses; his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, his chin, everything. Bofur hardly had enough thoughts left to decide what to do with his hands, since she kissed him senseless.
“I...” Periwinkle kissed him full on the lips, “Love…” She kissed him again, “You…” And again, “Too.” She pulled back just enough to say the words that nearly made his knees give in, “I can’t wait to move into our home - have our first time on the very same night.” Before he could respond with that, she kissed him again, thus silencing him instantly.

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