Dine and wine and a food fight for dessert

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The Company continued down the tunnel, all wondering where it would lead them.

Dwalin was at the front, peering around bents and corners before walking on. Behind him was Bofur, who was still holding Periwinkle's hand and dragging her with him. If it was any other dwarf the Company would tease them for liking their guide a little too much. However, this was Bofur, and they all assumed he just didn't want her falling behind. He was sort of in dept of her after she saved his life.

The farther they went, the narrower the tunnel grew. Some dwarves had to squeeze through some parts, while Bombur fell stuck numerous times. Periwinkle and Bilbo were the only ones who could move around comfortably.

The air became different too. It felt lighter if that was even possible. Periwinkle felt she could breathe easier, think clearer and walk lighter. All she wished to do is laugh. It was almost... magical.

"There's light ahead," Dwalin called over his shoulder and picked up the pace.

Periwinkle felt Bofur's hand tightening around hers as he pulled her along. She followed close behind him until they reached the end of the tunnel. One by one the rest piled out to stand on an overlook.

Periwinkle was breathless at the sight.
The valley below was something one could only found in a dream. The mountain slopes were splashed with trees, their leaves reflecting a vibrant gold and orange from the late noon sun. Waterfalls sprouted from the tops like flower buds in spring and joined together in a broad river at the bottom, which flowed lazily through a city that seemed too magical to be real.

"The Valley of Imraldis." Gandalf announced behind her, "In the Common Tongue, it's known by another name."

Bilbo, also mesmerized by the beauty of the valley, could only mutter one word, "Rivendell."

Of all the places Periwinkle had ever visited, this one was by far the most beautiful of all. There was no comparing it to others. It radiated magic and attracted her like a magnet.

Thorin was not keen on going anywhere near that place, but after some convincing from Gandalf, they were soon descending the mountain towards the valley below.

As they crossed the bridge to enter the city, Periwinkle nearly turned in full circles to take everything in. This was a new location she has never been to and served as the discovery of a lifetime.
The buildings all had intriguing designs carved into them, the stone seemed to shine in the sun, plants grew everywhere, waterfalls sprouted form every rock, and golden statues decorated every entryway.

Despite her and Bilbo's awe and wonder, the dwarves grew uneasy the closer they came to the main courtyard. Gandalf made his way to the front to await any form of greeting of some sorts, while the Company remained a few feet behind him. Some wandered off a wee bit to get a better look of the place while others formed small groups, having muttered conversations.
Bofur dropped Periwinkle's hand once he noticed the excitement in her eyes. In a beat, she rushed to the edge of the courtyard to peer down at the river below. The funny-hatted dwarf smiled fondly at her glee. Her joy was so addictive that he wondered if there was ever a time when she wasn't smiling as radiantly.

The wait ended when a dark-haired elf gracefully descended the white steps towards them. Bofur and Oin both pulled Periwinkle back to the group, wary of the elf in their presence.

The elf greeted Gandalf in his language, who returned the greeting the same way.

As the wizard and the elf, Lindir as he was called, conversed, Thorin muttered to his Company, "Stay sharp."

Honestly, Periwinkle had no idea why they needed to be on alert while everything about this place meant peace and comfort. Nonetheless, she kept her hand on the hilt of her sword to obey orders.

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