Tall grass and deep rivers

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As if it wasn't hard enough to wake up that morning, it was even harder to stay awake on horseback. Periwinkle stifled several yawns as the Company travelled through yet another forest at a leisurely pace. The motions Bramble made as he trotted after the other ponies were enough to lull her asleep once more.

The sun had started to peek over the horizon, casting a little light to guide them through the dark forest. Periwinkle was thankful for the light, it kept her somewhat awake.

One particular dwarf took notice of her droopy eyelids. Bofur slowed his pony's pace until he was riding at the very back with the lass. She was currently resting her head against the pony's mane, clearly struggling to stay awake.

"Not a morning person, are ya, lass?" Bofur grinned as she opened one eye to look at him.

"On the contrary." She muttered and suppressed another yawn, "I usually rise with the sun. You lot just wore me out last night with the dancing."

"If I recall correctly, you were the one goin' 'round askin' everyone to dance."

Periwinkle quirked a brow but had nothing else to defend herself with. Instead, she shrugged, "Was worth it, though. Can't remember the last time I enjoyed dancing that much."
"So ya like it?" He asked, "Dancin', I mean."

She sat upright and smoothed down her pony's mane. A fond smile graced her features as she nodded eagerly, "Absolutely. I adore dancing, and music, and parties, and stories... basically anything fun-related. Life's too short not to enjoy it."

"Aye, I can agree with ya, lass." Bofur said, "Bombur, Bifur and I have no ties or whatsoever to rest of the Company. We only joined for the adventure and a share of the wealth."

Periwinkle could say they more than one thing in common. She was hardly surprised that she and Bofur could speak as easily as they did. They both lived in the moment and only focused on the joys of life.

"Where are you from, then?" She asked to keep the conversation going.

"We originated from the Blue Mountains." He replied in a beat, "Aye, we're simple miners and toymakers, hardly warrior material."

Periwinkle snorted a laugh, "Oh, stop being so modest, Master Dwarf. We all know you are born and bred warriors despite your chosen occupations. I am willing to bet when trouble strikes, you'd be the first to take up arms to defend this damsel in distress."

"Distress?" Bofur chuckled, "I won't be surprised if you're the first one to charge into battle, lass. If anything, I should be taking tips from ya."

"Perhaps I can teach you a thing or two." She winked his way, finding his instant blush to be extremely adorable.

After what felt like hours, the forest finally came to an end and the Company could travel in the sun. It was a nice change of scenery and temperature. Periwinkle could remove her cloak and enjoy the warmth on her skin. One glance at the sun told her it was already noon and she managed to stay awake that long. Only one problem remained; lunch.

Several dwarves complained about the same thing. Unfortunately, they've run out of apples the previous day. Between Bombur and feeding the ponies nothing remained. Periwinkle yet again proved herself an asset when she rode up to Thorin with a solution.

"There's an apple plantation nearby." She casually told him, "If you wished to know. I fear if we don't feed Bombur soon he'll start eating the ponies."

Thorin said nothing at first, but after admitting to himself that they needed supplies, he nodded.
Periwinkle took the lead with Bramble. The others followed her to the edge of an apple plantation before bringing their ponies to a halt. To say they were overjoyed was an understatement. The Company ran for the trees like one man and began jumping to reach the lower branches. But the problem remained; they were too short to reach.

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