Rolling down the river

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"Bombur, I'm hungry!" Periwinkle's voice bounced off the dungeon walls and was almost as loud as the rumble in her stomach.

Some dwarves chortled at her out-of-the-blue exclamation, some grumbled in agreement, and Bombur sighed longingly at the mere thought of food. They had no idea how long they've been locked up, but it was definitely longer than they liked. Somewhere they have definitely skipped a meal, thus the rumbling of stomachs in every cell.

"I'll wager the sun's on the rise. It must be nearly dawn." Bofur confirmed their suspicion.
Truly, they've been here too long.

In the meantime, somewhere through the night, the elves had a massive party at the surface. The Company could hear them laughing and music playing from all the way in the dungeon. And if that wasn't enough to keep them awake, the she-elf that Kili took an interest in came in to check on them and stopped at the young prince's cell. They actually had a conversation, a long and decent one of stars and moons...

Periwinkle had watched and listened the whole time, a bright smile never leaving her face. She had seen some odd couples in her years of travelling, but never as odd as an elf and a dwarf - or they would've been odd if they were, in fact, a couple. She was so much taller than him with an elegant beauty surrounding her. Kili, on the other hand, was ruggedly handsome with those stubble cheeks and long hair. 

And yet, Periwinkle couldn't find it sweeter, especially imagining him standing on a box to kiss her... she was getting a little ahead of herself here.

That had her thinking, though. She was taller than Bofur, not by much - an inch or three maybe. If she was to embrace him and tilt her head upwards, his head would snuggle perfectly under her chin. Would that bother him, to have someone taller? Sometimes it didn't do a man's ego justice to be the shorter one in the relationship.

Another grumble came from her stomach, breaking her out of her thoughts. Valar, she could eat a horse...

She sighed and tapped her foot against the floor to distract her from her hunger, and actually made a fancy beat. Periwinkle started to hum softly, her voice low and smooth, and after her tune picked up some volume, she sang.

'Far over barrels ale so cold,
To cupboards deep, and pantries old.
We must avast, ere break of fast,
Eat all the things the grumble told.'

Somewhere Dwalin and Thorin snorted, and Fili and Kili's giggles echoed through the dungeon.
Bofur chuckled at her improvised version of their song and joined in with the humming. Once his deep voice synced with hers, the other dwarves joined in one by one - only humming, though. They had no idea what lyrics she had written in her head.

'The hunger roaring on the height,
The stomach moaning in the night.
The thoughts were bread,
With honey spread.
Our eyes like saucers glazed with light.'

The jingling of keys cut the song short. The Company shut their mouths and listened...
It was as if he had appeared out of thin air, because the next thing they knew, Bilbo Baggins was tiptoeing past their cells with a bunch of keys in hand.

"Bilbo!" Periwinkle jumped to her feet and grasped the railings of her cell door in glee.
The hobbit quickly shushed her as he set to work on unlocking Thorin's cell, "Shhh! There are guards nearby!"

She clamped her mouth shut tightly, but was hopping on her feet at the sight of her friend coming to their rescue once again. First killing two spiders on his own and now breaking them out of jail - what a little firecracker he turned out to be. She couldn't be prouder.

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