Dropping by to visit the goblins

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Just as Thorin ordered, the Company left Rivendell before sunrise. The early morning air was crisp and cool as they hiked along a mountain path with the elven city at their back.

Leaving it behind wasn’t easy. Periwinkle caught herself glancing back at it every few moments, wondering what she would’ve discovered if they stayed longer. Unlike her, who longed for the adventure of exploring the city, Bilbo longed for the comfort he felt there. Lord Elrond offered him sanctuary if he wished to stay, and if it wasn’t for the contract and Periwinkle, he would have stayed without a doubt.

“Be on your guard; we’re about to step over the edge of the Wild.” Thorin called back and turned to their guide, “Do you know these parts?”

Periwinkle’s gaze followed the mountain tops in the distance, recognizing their shapes vaguely, “I might, yes.”

“Then lead on.” He allowed her to walk at the front. Thorin allowed his kin to pass him when he noticed Bilbo glancing back at Rivendell in longing, “Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up.”

The hobbit tore his eyes from the majestic city and followed the dwarves reluctantly. Perhaps someday he would visit Rivendell again, on an adventure of his own. Periwinkle would be proud if she could hear his thoughts.

The route Periwinkle led them on was scenic - no surprise there. Although the map said one thing, she still had the last word and led them on the routes she saw fit. Thorin mentioned they were on a time limit now since they needed to reach the mountain before Durin’s Day. That was only a few months away. Sure, they could easily make that trip in a matter of weeks if they still had their ponies.

She took extra care to lead them on the fastest route while keeping their safety in mind. They hiked through the wildernesses of Middle Earth, over ranges, rivers, mountains and grassy planes. It was relatively harder without the ponies, but if anyone felt the need to complain about the aches in their feet and legs, they kept it to themselves.

Small talk was kept short most of the time to save their breath, they seldom stopped to rest and no jokes were made as they passed underneath another waterfall. That was also the only time they stopped to refill their water pouches and to rest their legs. After that, they hiked on full speed.
By dusk, they reached the Misty Mountains, although it seemed to be midnight already due to the darkness of the storm raging above. The trail along the mountain was narrow and dangerous. Periwinkle was told to walk between the dwarves for her own safety. Thorin was back at the lead while she fell back to walk between Dori and Bofur.

The wind pulled mercilessly at their clothes while the rain made it nearly impossible to keep their eyes peeled. The Company moved with their bodies tightly pressed to the wall of the mountain and stayed clear of the sheer drop just below them.

“Hold on!” Thorin shouted above the storm as a new gush of wind whooshed past them.

Periwinkle squinted against the gush and blinked the water from her eyes. As if the rain and wind weren’t enough, the mountain was terribly slippery while wet, and she had to double-check her footing each time she moved.

However, the one thing she was trying to avoid had to happen to Bilbo. The hobbit yelped when a stone beneath his foot gave away, causing the ledge to crumble.

“Bilbo!” Periwinkle cried when her friend fell down the chasm.

At that moment, and thank the Valar, Dwalin reached out and caught him just in time. The beefy dwarf hauled him back up and Bofur helped by securely pressing the hobbit against the mountain.

She swallowed in relief and ignored the sudden numbness in her legs. This was no time to lose focus. Periwinkle cupped her mouth as she called to their leader, “Thorin, we need to find shelter! This is too dangerous!”

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