I insulted a king

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The first thing that caused Periwinkle to wake was the sticky itching crawling up and arms. She wiggled around, trying to ease it through movement but failed. However, when she lifted an arm to scratch at the irritation, she realized she couldn't move.

Her eyes snapped open, but instead of seeing trees and vines, she was staring at a layer of hazy substance. Even the tiniest movement was impossible and only seemed to make the matter stick more.

Periwinkle's body stiffened when she heard a twig snap. With an upheld breath she peered through the haze, nearly gasping out loud when she spotted the outlines of the biggest spider she has ever seen. And there seemed to be more... two... three... four. Four! Four bloody spiders were crawling and snooping around until one took notice in her.

She swore she could hear it hiss at its buddies about her scent, "Thisss one sssmells different."

That immediately caught the attention of the other three, who scurried over, "Their hide is sssoft."

"There'ssss good juice inssside."

"Feast, feast, feast..."

Periwinkle kept as still as a rock until she felt their hairy legs poke at her. She gasped and wiggled around, trying to chase them off.

"That meat is alive!" One hissed, "Stick it again!"

She was close to screaming at the utter helplessness she felt; wrapped up in webs and unable to fight or flee from creatures that wanted to eat her. Periwinkle thought that was for certain the end. Her adventure would end in Mirkwood, the very place she avoided for the reason that might just get her killed.

But before her death came, the spiders stilled for a moment before crawling past her, "What is it? What is it? Kill it! Feast! Feast!"

She could kiss whatever drew their attention, but now the next problem ensued; how to escape the webs before the spiders return. Periwinkle pushed her arms sideways to test the sticky matter's durability. It was strong, but she was certain she could break free if she put enough back into it.

Periwinkle started at the middle, first stretching a hole that her hand could fit through before tearing at the webs from there. Once she freed her arm, the rest was easy and, well, sticky. She finally managed to peel the matter off her face and head, her other arm following and finally, her legs. Was this how caterpillars felt once they escaped their cocoons? Because she didn't feel like a butterfly in the least. Everything about that experience was just gross.

At least she was free. The first thing Periwinkle did was search for the others among the webs. She tried keeping off the sticky matter to avoid alerting the spiders - that's how they found them in the first place. She told Bilbo to stop touching the webs. Truly, they were worse than children.

And speaking of...

"Bilbo?" Periwinkle called in a whisper when she spotted a flash of curly hair and a red coat.
The hobbit froze and spun around, "Periwinkle?"

"Thank the Valar!" She gasped and rushed to embrace him in a hug, "I thought the spiders got you."

He welcomed the little comfort and nuzzled his head underneath her chin, "They did... they did... but I escaped and... killed two."

His head bobbed forward by the force she grabbed him by the shoulder and pushing him back. Periwinkle's brows nearly flew off her face at her surprise, "You killed two?" He nodded with a tiny smile, causing her to swell in pride, "Oh, this I need to hear."

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