The epilogue of a wonderful adventure

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"Welcome all, far and wide! Tonight, you'll behold the greatest performance on this side of the Misty Mountains! Performing for the company of Amad and Adad, I am Rovur, performing How Ma met Da, starring Lily, Primrose and me."
The fire was ablaze in the hearth, heating up the little forest house at the foot of the Lonely Mountain. With stomachs full after their recent dinner and dessert, Bofur and Periwinkle were snuggled up on the couch while watching their little ones preparing to give them the performance of their lives.
"If that's how it begins, I'd wager it's the greatest performance in the whole Middle Earth." Bofur rubbed his hands in excitement before wrapping his arms around Periwinkle. He looked at her, brow quirked, "Say, I wonder where our son got his dramatic flair from?"
She only hauled up her shoulders nonchalantly, "Beats me. You're not one to talk, dear. You enjoy telling a story just as much as I do."
Bofur nodded sagely, "True, true. But I do think he takes after ya."
"Silence in the audience, please!"
They immediately shut up when Rovur scolded. At that moment, Lily and Primrose hurried into the room, both dressed in what could only be costumes for the performance. Lily had wrapped her dark brown hair with a red scarf Uncle Ori gave her to act as Periwinkle, while Primrose could hardly move without Bofur's hat sliding over her eyes and covering almost her whole face.
"Is that my hat?" Bofur asked, causing little Prim to grin a little three-toothed grin. She turned to look at him, but since she was unable to see from underneath the hat she ended up looking at whole other direction instead.
"Shh, it's cute." Periwinkle waved a hand in his face before focusing on the performance again.
Rovur had rushed off to don his own costume and returned to give the introductions, "Lily would play the role of Ma, and Primrose is Da. Me? I am the king, leader of this Company. But I never lost my way twice."
Periwinkle snorted and rested her head on Bofur's shoulder, feeling his arms tightening around her.
"But where's Uncle Bilbo?" Lily asked before the performance could start.
Rovur paused a moment before huffing in annoyance, "I knew I forgot someone."
"No worries!" Periwinkle jumped at the chance to join the fun, "I'll play Uncle Bilbo, just let me put on your Da's boots - need big feet for this."
"Did ye just call me feet big, lass?" Bofur asked with a playful gleam in his eyes, "Well then, I guess that makes me the stone giant then... on its way to get ya all!"
Periwinkle and the children shrieked and scattered at Bofur's roar. In a beat, he was chasing them around the house, stomping his feet extra hard as he went. Rovur, Lily and Primrose grabbed the toy swords Uncle Bifur made them while Bofur was pursuing Periwinkle.
"No need to fret, Ma!" Little Prim squeaked above the noise of her father's roaring, "We'll save ya!"
The army of three attacked at once, charging at Bofur with high pitched battle cries and raised weapons. Bofur squawked in feigned fright and changed direction, running off to hide.
"Help us get the giant, Ma!" Lily asked and handed Periwinkle another wooden sword.
"The giant is hiding!" Rovur called from down the hall, "Let's search the closets, Ma, you stay in the kitchen in case he comes back!"
"Right." Periwinkle nodded confidently and watched her rascals invade the nearest room to search for their silly father.
With a fond smile, she twirled the sword in her hand before sauntering off to the pantry, opening the door quietly to find the wanted stone giant on the floor with his hand in the cookie jar. Once Bofur realized he's been found, he could only look at her with wide, brown eyes.
"Strange, I didn't know stone giants kept hoards as well." She smirked and glanced at the cookie jars around him, "Are you sure you're not secretly a dragon?"
"If that means I get to keep ya all for m'self, then I might just be." Bofur's expression instantly turned mischievous while his eyes raked over her.
Periwinkle instantly recognized that look. It was the same look he gave her before she told him she was pregnant with Lily a few weeks later. And the next time he flashed her that look, out popped Primrose nine months later.
"And what are you, oh so mighty dragon, planning on doing once you have me all to yourself?" She purred and lowered herself on his lap, straddling him and pinning his hands to the wall behind him.
Bofur liked where this was going. His whiskers twitched upwards at his smile and he leaned forward to brush his nose against hers, "I'm sure I'll think o' somethin'..."
Periwinkle smiled lovingly at him, "You know I love you, right?" His hum against her neck was all she received in response, "Good. Kids, I found him!"
In less than three seconds - and before Bofur could even process what just happened - he was tackled to the floor by three very determined children. Rovur was holding him down, while Lily and Primrose were 'slaying' the giant by clinging to his arms and legs while poking their father's sides.
Bofur was trying not to laugh at how well Periwinkle played him and instead, shook his fist at her, "I'll have my revenge, lass! Next time yer the giant and I get to slay ya!"
After battling their father for a few more minutes, Primrose was the first yawn. It seemed to be contagious since Rovur and Lily followed soon after. It wasn't long until all three of them fell asleep on Bofur; Rovur on his left arm, Lily on his right, and Prim flat on his chest with her little head nuzzled under his chin. It took everything in Periwinkle's power not to run off to drag Ori here to capture this moment on paper. Instead, she picked their youngest up and carried her to her room, returning for Lily afterwards and leaving Bofur to tuck Rovur in. Once their bairns were all sound asleep, the two of them had the rest of the night for themselves.
Bofur scooped up his One before dropping her on their bed, hurriedly crawling over her to pin her arms above her head, "So, what do we do now?"
Periwinkle pursed her lips in thought before saying, "Well, if you ask me, I think we should build an extra room on the opposite of Rovur's."
"Extra r... what?" Bofur frowned, genuinely confused.
Periwinkle's cheeks flushed a brilliant shade of pink when she smiled. She wiggled free from his grip on her to guide his hand to her stomach, giving it a little squeeze, "We're going to need a bigger house by this rate, Bofur Bear."
It took him only a second to realize where she was going with this. Bofur's eyes widened and his brows arched in bewilderment as he glanced from her to her belly, then back at her again, "By my beard, yer knocked up again?!"

The end

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