A visit from an old (who's supposed to be dead) friend

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The dwarves snatched up their weapons the moment Periwinkle gave the word. Upon noticing their master down, the goblins charged at the Company with their whips and weapons. Some took a few beatings across their backs before they fought back.

Periwinkle retrieved her weapons from where she hid it and charged at the horde. The goblins outnumbered the Company by far, climbing on each other’s backs to attack the dwarves from above.

Thorin managed to catch one that flung itself at him, tossing it to the side and having it roll down the platform. But two immediately took its place and attacked their leader. The other members didn’t fare as well either. The goblins struck them with their whips, leaving them no chance to escape and block the attacks.

Periwinkle sliced a goblin’s throat when it came too close to her, but even she was outnumbered. The creatures gained on her, backing her up to the very edge of the platform. She felt her stomach turn once she glanced down at the abyss below. There was no escape.

The goblin king had stirred awake after the poppy powder lost its effects. He roared at his subjects to kill the dwarves and the future-seer, ordering to have their leader’s head cut off, “Cut off his head; it’s worth a pretty price! Send word to the pale orc!”

Thorin paused momentarily upon hearing about Azog, disbelief swimming in his eyes. While his guard was down, three goblins pounced him and pinned him to the floor, while a fourth lifted its dagger to cut off his head. With the dwarves being outnumbered, their leader staring death in the eyes, and their guide trapped, it seemed no one would escape the mountain alive.

But when their chances seemed the slimmest, a blinding explosion drowned the cave in bright light. A powerful wave sent the goblins and torturing machines flying through the air and knocked the Company and goblin king to the floor.

As the explosion passed the lights in the cave snuffed out as a tall figure appeared. Gandalf stepped into the chaos, sword and staff in hand, while the lights slowly returned. He glanced at the Company in determination, “Take up arms. Fight. Fight!”

While the goblins were still floored, the dwarves rushed to their feet and grabbed their weapons. With their slight advantage, they attacked and fought against the forces of the goblin king.

The goblin king, who was still sprawled on the floor, caught a glimpse of Gandalf’s sword and squealed, “He wields the Foe-Hammer, the Beater, bright as daylight!”

As they fought off the goblin ranks, Bofur glanced around and realized with a start that their lass was nowhere to be seen, “Where’s Periwinkle?”

Those who heard him searched around frantically until Nori shouted, “Last I saw her she was trapped near the ledge!”

The funny-hatted dwarf struck another goblin down with his mattock before he rushed towards the edge. However, three more goblins were on his heels and he had to fight them off first. One he sent flying down the platform, the other’s skull he bashed in with his weapon, and the third was left unconscious after he knocked it out with the weapon's hilt.

Bofur peered down the edge of the platform and indeed, there she dangled from a lower bar.

“Bofur!” She called up to him, feeling her hands slipping.

“Hold on, lass, I’m comin’!” He looked about the platform and found what he was searching for; Fili’s pack which always contained rope.

He ducked underneath goblin arms and dodged attacks as he made a beeline for the pack. Bifur and Nori seemed to realize what he was trying to do and kept the goblins off his back.

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