A home at last

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The peace Periwinkle felt atop of the eagle’s back was unknown to her. They soared above the clouds where the air was clean and crisp. The rising sun drowned the world in gold and all they could see of the real world were the mountaintops visible above the clouds.

Periwinkle, despite clinging on to the eagle’s feathers, threw her head back in absolute bliss as the oncoming breeze played through her hair. After gathering a little courage, she lifted her good arm and raised it up, smiling in awe as the wind waved through her fingers. A moment later she reached down, this time feeling the airy sensation of the clouds graze her skin.
She had never known peace like that.
All her life she travelled on foot. Had she known eagles as these existed…

The view from the sky differed entirely from what she had grown used to. She could see for miles and miles and miles. Everything. At last, she eased her grip on the eagle’s feathers and rested her arms on its head, propping her chin on her forearms to enjoy every moment while it lasted.

The eagles soared across landscapes and through valleys until they approached a massive rock structure in the distance; Carrock. Periwinkle recognized it since she had travelled past it several times. There was an overhanging boulder just at the foot of it where they could rest - if Thorin would have it. Although he didn’t have much of a choice since currently, he was unconscious. Still, they needed to tend to their injuries and have a decent meal before they could travel on.

The eagles circled the structure as they one by one perched atop of it, allowing the Company to dismount. One gently set Thorin’s unconscious body on the surface before gracefully soaring off with its flock. Periwinkle stared after them in longing, wondering if she’ll ever get the chance to ride on the back an eagle again.

“Thorin!” Gandalf exclaimed as he crossed the surface to examine the dwarf king’s wounds. Some members of the Company followed while some remained a step behind, keeping out of the way. Bilbo lingered at the back, uncertain where he should be.

Bofur searched about the Company until he found who he was looking for, “Lass…”

Periwinkle turned when hearing his unmistakable voice. The mere sight of him lifted a weight from her shoulders, allowing her to breathe freely as she took a limping step towards him.

Before she could even mutter a word, Bofur had her by the arms, looking at her gravely, “What were you thinkin’, lass? Jumpin’ after me like that?”

“I…” She blinked and winced at his grip on her injured arm, “Ah… my arm, Bofur.”

“Sorry, sorry.” He quickly apologized and gently rubbed the spot where his hand was, though his expression never changed, “Lass, we could’ve both died. Why did you do it?”

Periwinkle met his warm gaze, smiling softly at the tiny specks of green in his pools of brown. How was she supposed to explain to him the hurricane of emotions she experienced while he was clinging to her hand only minutes ago? That strange wave of certainty she felt that somehow revolved around him? For a person who always had a way with words and telling tall tales, she had no explanation that time.

“I -” She was about to tell him she could not explain her actions when the Company cheered at their backs.

The two turned to find Thorin on his feet - Gandalf had successfully managed to save him, though he still limped with obvious injuries underneath that armor. He looked up at the wizard, “The halfling?”

“It’s all right. Bilbo is here. He’s quite safe.” Gandalf eased his mind.

Bilbo straightened up, a weak smile tugging at his mouth corners as the king’s eyes found him. However, that smile immediately dropped once Thorin opened his mouth to talk, “You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild and that you had no place amongst us?”

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