Chapter 1- Unintentional Meeting Between Two Groups of Cool Losers

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Heyyy it's Miles, before we start the story yes the tech the reader uses is basically the tech from the series Tron. I just really loved that series don't @ me. If you don't know what that is I recommend watching it (there are movies and a tv-series I believe) or just look up videos of the tech the characters use. Ok long paragraph over enjoy the story!!


The mission was simple enough. Get in undetected, cover Donnie so he could get the intel he needed from the Kraang, and get out. Of course, with Mikey around, it's never that simple.

"Damn it Mikey! How many times have we told you not to push any buttons!" The hot-headed turtle yelled, taking down another Kraang droid.

Mikey shrugged as he landed beside him, "I already said I was sorry!!"

Raph slapped the younger turtle upside the head, "you'll be more than sorry if this mission is a bust!"

"Guys now is NOT the time!" Leo shouted, slicing a droid and pulling the two along.

Donnie stood in the center of the room, furiously tapping away at the Kraang computer, still trying to figure out how it worked.

"Hurry it up Donnie!" Leo urged, using his Katana sword to quickly block an incoming blast from the Kraang's guns.

"I can't concentrate with you yelling at me!!" Donnie yelled back, clearly stressed out.

  The three turtles fought the Kraang off for as long as they could, but of course the aliens decided to up their game.

"What the hell is that thing?!" Raph yelped, barely avoiding the large robot's incoming missile.

"Just take it down!" Leo ordered, climbing up and bringing his Katanas down on its back.

Raph quickly followed suit, telling Mikey to wrap his Kusarigama chain around the bot's legs. It quickly fell over, giving him and Leo a chance to destroy one of its arms and both legs.

They watched the robot power down, giving them a chance to breathe.

"Congrats on not screwing that up Mikey" Raph chuckled, quickly patting the orange-masked turtle's head.

Mikey stuck his tongue out, "see! I can do things!"

Raph rolled his eyes, turning back to the next wave of incoming Kraang droids.

"Let's just take these guys out and-! Raph watch out!" Leo suddenly shouted.

He turned around and watch the robot suddenly jolt and fire its remaining arm in his direction.

Just as Raph was sure the robot's fist was going to come crashing into him, it suddenly burst into... weird little metallic cube things. Like pixels, but in real life. He watched as a circular disk whizzed past his face, and landed in the grasp of... someone.

They were wearing a futuristic looking black suit, with fiery orange accents. They wore a sleek black helmet, with the same accents. By the build and body shape it looked like a guy.

"Uh... thanks?"

The guy glanced at the shocked turtle, before walking past and over to the Kraang computer. Raph watched as the stranger inserted some sort of chip. He was too stunned to move, until Donnie's shouts caught his attention.

"Raph!! Stop him! He's stealing the info we need!"

The turtle shook his head, pulling himself together. He quickly pushed himself up and grabbed his sai, running over to stop the guy.

"Hey! Get away from there!" Raph yelled, lifting his arm to swing.

The stranger quickly pulled the chip out, stashing it into a small pocket that opened up on his suit. He then quickly dodged the turtle's attack, which resulted in Raph stabbing the console.

Raph growled, pulling his sai out of the sparking machinery and going after him.

Their chase led them all the way up onto the glass roof. The guy smashed the glass, making Raph quickly protect his face from the glass shards.

"Shit..." He muttered, realizing the mysterious stranger had gotten farther away.

Raph pulled himself up onto the roof, running along the edge to catch up to him.

"Just give up! There's no where else for you to go!" Raph shouted, making the guy come to a halt at the corner of the rooftop. He watched as the guy glanced around, searching for any way out.

"Give me the chip. No one needs to get too hurt."

The figure stared back at Raph, then suddenly jumped off the roof.


Raph stared down in shock, watching as the guy plummeted towards the ground.

Just as Raph thought he was about to hit the street below, black mechanical wings erupted from his back, stretching out and stopping his fall.

He steadily began to fly back up, before coming to hover in front of the surprised turtle.

"Better luck next time" the guy mocked, his voice coming out low and distorted. Raph could only watch in shock and frustration as he flew off, disappearing into the night.

Leo jumped up beside him, "Well... that certainly wasn't in the plan."

Raph narrowed his eyes, "I don't think we'll be seeing the last of this bastard."

Sup, Miles here :)
Lmao this was kind of shit but it should (hopefully) get better.

Plz point out any grammar mistakes if there are any, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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