Chapter 25- Historians Think They Were Good Friends

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(M/N) chuckled as he lead Raph away from the dojo, where he had been chasing poor Mikey.

"Alright, hot head, that's enough."

Raph rolled his eyes, absentmindedly leaning against the other. (M/N) smiled softly, eyeing the red-masked turtle.

"Wanna go out?"

Raph blinked, his heart racing a bit.


The two traveled along the rooftops, stopping every so often to admire the view. They weren't too sure where they were going, but that didn't really matter.

(M/N) slowed to a stop, Raph following suite.

"So... Raphael" (M/N) started, making the turtle turn his head at the use of his full name.


"What are we?"

Raph flushed, his gaze falling to his feet. His heart was pounding,

"What do you think we are?"

(M/N) let out a small sigh, taking in the breathtaking city skyline.

"Well... right now, it's like we're teetering on the edge of friends and... something more."

Raph nodded slowly, "I want to take the leap. All I need to know is.. are you coming with me?"

(M/N) smiled, turning to Raph and taking his hand in his for a brief moment.

"Yes. If you can catch me!"

Raph was about to respond, but (M/N) was gone in a flash.

The red-masked turtle chuckled, "Well if you insist!"

He ran after the other, a big dopey grin on his face.

They chased each other back and forth, feeling normal for once in their lives. Well, as normal as they could get.

Raph chased (M/N) on a higher rooftop, grinning down at him as he began to catch up. Then with one last burst of energy, he jumped off and on top of the other. The pair collided, then rolled across the rooftop.

They burst into laughter, only a little bit in pain.

"You're such a brute!" (M/N) laughed, looking up at Raph.

Raph smirked, his hands on either side of (M/N)'s head.

"This remind you of anything?"

(M/N) blinked, trying to actually think instead of getting distracted by Raph on top of him.

"Uh... maybe?"

Raph rolled his eyes, "Second time we met. I caught you exactly like this."

"Aww... you really remembered that? I don't know if that's sweet or you just boasting."

"Guess you'll never know."

"You're so annoying!"

"Admit it, you love me!"

"Shut up and kiss me already."

Without another moment of hesitation, Raph closed the gap between them.

(M/N) wrapped his arms around the other's neck, smiling into the kiss.

It was perfect.

They broke apart, staring into each other's eyes.

"Well that happened." (M/N) chuckled, moving to sit up.

"I kept expecting something or someone to interrupt again."

"Guess it was finally meant to be."

Raph gently rested his forehead against (M/N)'s, smiling softly.

"I guess it was."

Sorry for the late update but I finally managed to get ahead again!! I hope this was worth the wait, 25 chapters in 🙈🙈


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