Chapter 7- Finding a Place. But, It Smells Like Shit

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After (M/N)'s eventful night with the red masked turtle, he couldn't help but want to get to know him more.

"I should've given him my number..." he muttered, running his hands through his (H/C) hair. Nym glanced over at the slightly distressed boy, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"Guy troubles? Didn't think I'd ever see the day."

(M/N) rolled his eyes, "ya ya... and maybe. I don't know. I sort of just met him... and I really want to get to know him."

The white haired girl nodded, smiling softly. "Were you planning on sneaking out to meet him tonight?" (M/N) immediately avoided eye contact.

How the hell did she know that?!

Nym giggled, "go on then. I'll make up some excuse to tell Dalis. Go have fun, kid."

(M/N) quickly stood up, smiling brightly. "You're the best! Also you're only two years older than me don't call me kid."

With that, the (E/C) eyed boy ran out of the base, hoping to run into Raphael.


   Raph ran alongside his brothers, running from FishFace and DogPound once again. Much to the hot-head's annoyance.

"How long are we gonna keep running, Leo?! There's no way we can get back to the lair!"

Leo didn't answer, too busy trying to make a plan. They were running out of options, and stamina.

Just as Donnie was going to make a suggestion, a loud whizz and a crash stopped the turtles' in their tracks. A nearby water tower came crashing down, almost landing on them and the two other mutants behind them.

After the dust had settled and the water had washed away onto the roads of the city, all was quiet.

"Ouch... my bad."

Raph turned to come face to face with (M/N), who was grinning down at the chaos he had created.

"Damnit (M/N).... you're making a habit of almost getting us killed."

The (H/C) haired boy winked, "keeps you on your toes!"

Sirens in the distance alerted the group of incoming cops.

"Let's take this conversation elsewhere. I wanna see your lair!"

Leo was about to object, but Raph and Mikey simultaneously interrupted "sure!"

Donnie was the only one left that needed to answer, but he knew his answer didn't really matter in this case. (PoorbabyimsorryDon)

"I guess you're coming back with us... let's go guys."

With that, the turtles led their newest friend and ally back to their not-as-secret lair.


    (M/N) followed the turtles down the sewer pipes, trying not to freak out at all the rats and other unknown little creatures crawling around. He might have at some point grabbed Raph but we don't talk about that.

"Careful Princess, wouldn't want you to break a nail..." Raph muttered after (M/N) almost stepped into a rather sewage filled hole.


E v e n t u a l l y  they made it back in one piece.

"Woah! This is where you live?" (M/N) grinned, jogging over to their living room area, then towards the doors of the dojo.

He went to reach for the sliding door, then paused. This wasn't his house.

"Can I... can I go in here?"

Raph walked over, shrugging and sliding the door open, "knock yourself out."

(M/N) grinned, walking in and looking around. There was a large tree growing at one end, much to his amazement. He then turned to a shelf, his eyes glazing over all the trinkets, and on a picture frame. He stared at it, a small smile on his lips at the happy family.

"Who are you?"

(M/N) whipped around, coming face to... er... chest... with a tall rat. Rat man. Man rat?

"I... uh... you..." he stuttered out, trying to comprehend what and who was standing in front of him.

"Oh, sensei! This is... a new ally we made!" Leo's voice cut in, much to
(M/N)'s relief.

"I see... well, it's very nice to meet you." The rat replied, turning his gaze back to the young man in front of him. "You may call me Master Splinter. You are?"

"My name is (M/N)! It's a pleasure to meet you, Master Splinter sir." He felt awkward, not sure how exactly to address him.

Splinter stepped beside him, looking at the picture (M/N) had been looking at before. Neither of them said a word, a rather comfortable silence falling over them. (M/N) didn't need to ask who they were, it wasn't his place. After a moment longer, (M/N) mumbled a quiet farewell and left the dojo, feeling a bit calmer.

As he entered their living room, the delicious scent of pizza hit his nose.

"Just in time, (M/N)! Come get some grub!" Mikey laughed, reaching for his own slice along with the rest of his brothers.

(M/N) made his way over, a bit nervous. Sure he was very charming and confident when it came to meeting on the rooftops of New York, but when it came to more domestic stuff, he was a bit lost. He sat down beside Raph, reaching for a slice of pizza while the four chatted amongst themselves. It was a nice change of scenery for the (H/C) haired male, every so often chiming in with a joke or witty remark to make the brothers laugh.

He could definitely face the walk through the sewers if it led to this.

Hey, it's Miles :)
I mean I don't got much to say about this one except we love one(1) rat man 😌✌️

Plz point out any grammar mistakes if there are any, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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