Chapter 19- How To Not Process Anything, A Guide By (M/N)

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     (M/N) slid the subway car door open, smiling over at where Dalis had been reading some sort of book, using a metal pole to turn the pages to avoid possibly singeing them.

"Hey Dalis! Any luck with Donnie?"

The lava mutant shook her head, before tilting her head and gesturing at him.

"Ah well... he did tell me you couldn't cool down enough for him to take a proper sample. Plus... he wasn't exactly sure if a sample was actually going to work. Your blood is just... lava."

Dalis nodded, emitting a low grumble. She set the pole off to the side, the end she had been holding was glowing a bright orange.

"Yikes.... it must be difficult, being made of fire."

Dalis nodded, her eyes gazing over the boy in front of her. She could tell there was something that was bothering him.

She let out a deep sigh, feeling herself cool down just a bit more. Dalis then gently cradled (M/N)'s face, her eyes filled with concern.

(M/N)'s smile slowly dropped.

"That obvious, huh? Sorry... there's just a lot on my mind.... specifically about Nym. Where is she?"

Dalis' claw dropped back to her side, and she slightly heated up again, shaking her head a few times.

"Remember when we first found you, and you could do some sort of... telepathy. Can you do that again?"

Dalis huffed, her eyes squinting in a sort of concentrated gaze.

(M/N) waited silently, hoping something would happen.

... A few moments passed.

"I guess... it's not happening."

Dalis shook her head sadly.

(M/N) tapped his chin, "We could do yes or no questions."

Dalis nodded in agreement.

"Do you know where Nym is?"

Dalis shook her head.

"Did... did the Kraang do this to you?"

She nodded.

"Why- oh wait... that's a more complicated question."

An annoyed huff.

(M/N) rubbed his arm, looking up at Dalis.

"Are... are they coming for me?"

Dalis stared back at him, flaring up for a moment. She quickly rushed to compose herself. Then...

A nod.

(M/N) let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding.

"I guess I should've known... considering I almost died when we found you."

Dalis made a few hand gestures, which...

"Wait... you know sign language?!"

Dalis nodded quickly, letting out a rumble. Finally, the idiot realized!

"Well fuck... I don't know sign language."

Dalis facepalmed. Great, just their luck.

She quickly made a gesture for (M/N) to leave, trying to convey what she wanted him to do.

Eventually, (M/N) understood that he had to go learn some sign language.

Ok, so maybe he wasn't exactly the brightest....

(M/N) stared at Donnie's computer screen, which the turtle had so graciously let him use.

"I didn't know you did school stuff like April."

(M/N) whipped around to see Raph leaning over the couch, his face mere inches from (M/N)'s own.

"I... uh... I..."

Speak you fool!

(M/N) quickly composed himself,

"No, this is just something Dalis wants me to learn. It's sign language, so we can communicate better. Although... I'm so close to just giving up and accepting that I'll never know what happened."

Raph raised an eyebrow, mostly in amusement.

"Didn't take you for a quitter."

(M/N) glared at him, "I'm gonna punt you."

"Do it then."

There was a moment of silence, before the two burst out laughing.

"Here, take a break already. I wouldn't want you turning into Don."

"Hey! Be nice to your brother!"

Raph rolled his eyes, closing the laptop and taking it from the other, despite his complaints.

"Come on, let's go somewhere nice."

"Hmm... now there's a familiar phrase. Wonder who said that first."

Raph let out a dramatic sigh, taking (M/N)'s hand in response and dragging him away.

Ok the title of this chapter isn't even that funny but it has me c a c k l i n g and I think that just really goes to show what my humor is like


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