Chapter 28- Heart of Ice

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WARNING: Blood and Violence


Finish it.

(M/N) turned to the agent, who was beginning to get up and make a run for the door, hissing in pain as they stumbled off.

There was gust of air, and in no time at all, (M/N) had crossed the room with a yell, just as the agent reached the door.

He grabbed them by the arm, pulling them back. There was a sickening crack, and the agent screamed again. (M/N), completely unfazed, delivered a punch to their stomach, a crunch coming from where his fist made contact with their chest.

One after the other, he continued to delivered blows, the enemy's cries falling on deaf ears as (M/N) fell deeply into the dark recesses of a familiar state.


That's all he could see, All he could feel, deafening and painful. Memories (M/N) had repressed for years rushing back to the surface of his mind, threatening to pull him under indefinitely as emotions flooded his being, crushing his chest as he felt himself let out screams of agony. 

And then...


The sudden shout and the feeling of a chain wrapping around his arms pulled him back out of his state, the screeching fuzziness in his ears finally lifting as he became aware of reality once more. 

(M/N) laid on the ground, staring up at the ceiling as he blinked.


He sat up, looking around.

There were three things that shocked him the most. The metal and various other material strewn about, his bloodied hands, and Mikey staring down at him.

"Did you just... swear...?"

The orange-clad turtle blinked, before delivering a hard smack to the other's face.

"Not the time! Are you back? Is this (M/N)??"

(M/N) nodded slowly, trying to process everything as he watched Mikey unwrap the chain around his wrists. 

"I.... fuck what did I...", he went silent for a moment, wracking his brain for answers as he surveyed his surroundings, before finally landing on the three other brothers huddled in a corner.


(M/N) got up and dashed over to the slumped figure, shoving through Leo and Donnie to caress the turtle's face. 

"Shit shit no no no please stay with me fuck."

(M/N) could feel the tears cascading down his face as his eyes wandered to the growing str

"We need to go, now. He doesn't have much time. He's bleeding out." Donnie said, Leo once again grabbing the red-masked turtle and carrying him bridal style, Donnie running beside him, hands pressed down on his stomach. (M/N) ran after them as they began their desperate race back to the lair.

     (M/N) ran into the lair behind the three other turtles, racing towards Donnie's lab. They carefully set Raph down on a large table, Donnie rushing around to gather what he would need after having applied packing gauze for the moment. Leo quickly ushered Mikey out of the room, and began to do the same to (M/N). As much as he wanted the (H/C) haired boy to be there, Leo knew he was only going to get increasingly panicked and distract Donnie.

"No I'm not leaving him! I can't-! I can't leave him please-" (M/N) rambled as Leo led him to the door.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but just trust us here." 

(M/N) continued to protest, his voice getting louder as the pure terror and panic set in.

Suddenly he was engulfed in a hug.

Mikey held him close, guiding him towards the living room and sitting them down on the floor. He held him tight in his arms. (M/N) had tried to fight for a moment, but quickly broke down into heart wrenching sobs.

"I can't lose him... I can't. I'd never be able to forgive myself... god I'm so fucking stupid I let my guard down..."

Mikey rubbed soothing circles on (M/N)'s back.

"Hey... it isn't your fault. They got the upper hand. They went for something personal and blind sided you. There's nothing you can do when that happens."

(M/N) nodded slowly, but continued to sob into the orange-masked turtle's shoulder.


     A figure suddenly materialized into a dark room. They fell forward, and were grabbed by cold metallic hands, hoisted back up and dragged into another room.

A glowing vat was in the center, and after robotic voices conversed back and forth, the person was tossed in.

They wanted to scream out in agony as they were slowly healed, the green ooze filling every open wound. Their flesh melted together, and almost as soon as the process had started, the pain stopped, and they knew they were back to full health.

They pulled themselves out of the vat of mutagen, stumbling for a moment. With another huff, they adjusted themselves, and walked out and into a larger room.

At the end, sitting in a large chair, sat a menacing man. His armor glinted in the moonlight, the room around him illuminated by lights from the bodies of water on either side of the walkway up to his throne.

Beside the man in armor, was another man dressed in a sleek black suit similar to the agent's own. The only addition was the sleek cape attached, which glowed a dark purple. The man eyed the agent as they walked up.

"I take it your mission didn't go well."

"... I'm sorry sir. I wasn't expecting the boy to turn on me. It seems your abilities have worn off somewhat." 

The man smirked, "ah... now that is an interesting development... but no matter. Settle back in, have a rest."

The armored man sat in the throne beside him narrowed his eyes, but his lips were pulled up into a smirk.

"So this is your best soldier. What is your name?"

The agent lifted a hand, pressing a button on the side of the helmet. It dematerialized, revealing a head of long curly white locks and piercing blue eyes.

"Call me Nym."


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