Chapter 3- Ok Seriously, Who The Fuck Are You?

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    (M/N) couldn't help but be interested by the mutant turtles. He didn't know anything about them, except that they really wanted to catch him. He couldn't exactly complain, it made his missions more interesting. His friends didn't exactly approve of his shenanigans. They mostly yelled at him for messing around.

Don't socialize with the enemy.


Were they really the enemy?

      Raph ran along the rooftops, trying to blow off some steam. With everything going on, his brothers were being more annoying than ever.

Especially Leo.

He always found a way to blame the hot-head for everything! Like the last time they saw those futuristic weirdos. Leo decided to blame Raph for getting distracted and letting them get the upper hand.

"As if that was my fault..." Raph muttered, slowing to a stop. He let out a small huff, sitting down close to the edge. It was nice to feel the wind on his face, and get some fresh air for a change. He could finally unwind.

"People getting you down?"

Raph jumped back up, whizzing around with his sai aimed.

Just when he was getting comfortable.

"You again?! You're just asking for it now!" Raph growled, stepping closer.

(M/N) quickly stepped back in response, holding his hands up in the air. He wasn't exactly intimidated, but he wasn't going to take his chances with a sharp weapon pointed at his face

"Hey man, not here for a fight. I've got nothing against you." (M/N) chuckled, trying to calm the angry turtle down.

Raph narrowed his eyes, staring at the stranger in front of him.

Could Raph trust him?

He sighed, lowering his weapons. "Fine. What do you want?"

The guy walked over, sitting down and patting the spot next to him. Raph hesitantly sat down beside him. 

"I don't want anything. I already have everything I need." M/N chuckled, pulling out a flash drive.

Raph rolled his eyes, "ya, thanks for being humble."

(M/N) laughed, then placed it on the turtle's lap. Raph blinked, utterly confused. "What...-"

(M/N) quickly cut him off, "we should be on the same side. We both want to save our planet, right?"  Raph stared at him.

Who was the guy under the mask? Why... was he so goddamn interesting.

He stood up, "I'll see you around then. Let's not fight next time, it's getting old."

Raph quickly stood up after him, "hold on!" He turned, tilting his head at the turtle. "Who... what's your name?"

Raph watched as he lifted his hand to his helmet, pressing something. The helmet then de-materialized, into what ended up being earrings on a rather good looking human guy. He had (H/L), (H/C) hair, and striking (E/C) eyes.

"Call me (M/N)."

Raph nodded slowly, a bit stunned. (M/N) smiled softly, making the turtle's heart flutter, much to his surprise.

"You are...?"

Raph quickly pulled myself together, "I'm Raphael. Call me Raph."

(M/N) nodded, "it's nice to meet you Raph. I'm looking forward to working with you again."

Before Raph could ask him what he meant, (M/N) quickly jumped off across the rooftops, leaving the red-masked turtle confused and slightly flustered.

Raph eventually made his way back to the lair, going straight to Donnie's lab. He definitely needed to see this.

"Hey Don, I got something for you." Donnie looked up from his workbench, lifting his goggled up.

Raph held up the flash drive, "take a look." He tossed it to the other, watching as he fumbled with it for a moment.

"What's on it? Who gave it to you? If this is another prank, now is really not the-"

Raph glared at him, "Just show me what's on it."

Donnie sighed, walking over to his computer and inserting it. Suddenly,  many files of Kraang information popped up, all neatly compiled together into specific topics. It was a silent for a moment.

"How... did you get this?"

Raph smirked, heading back out the door. "Those strangers we've been dealing with? Let's consider them allies now." With that, he went back to his room. Even if Raph had done a decent job at hiding it, his mind was racing and he felt jittery and... excited?

He definitely couldn't wait to see (M/N) again.

Hey, it's Miles :)
Aha, the two finally meet! Things should go a bit smoother writing-wise. Kind of excited to write a few more chapters :D

Plz point out any grammar mistakes if there are any, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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