Chapter 29- Do That Again and I'll Personally Come and Drag You Out of Hell

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     Countless nights of practically no sleep had left (M/N) exhausted and weak. He sat beside Raphael for days on end, just praying to whatever deity there was that the red masked turtle would wake up.


     Raph wasn't sure what he was seeing. He was frozen in place in a dark void. He had no idea how much time had passed, but he could hear everything around him. He heard (M/N)'s quiet, muffled sobs after someone came to check in on the both of them. It hurt his heart to hear his partner's grief. He just wanted to wake up and reassure the other that he was there. That he was ok. 

Raph struggled for days on end to wake up, trying to move anything. the endless black void around him menacing and lonely. As much as he tried to yell and struggle, it was no use. With an internal sigh, he let his mind wander, holding on to the only anchor that had kept him aware. 

The fear of leaving his brothers and father alone motivated Raph to not lose hope. He had to wake up, giving in was not an option. 

Leaving (M/N) was not an option. 

With another angry yell, he struggled to gain control of his limbs. Slowly but surely, his bleak world became lighter and lighter, until finally... 

Raphael could just barely make out the ceiling of Donnie's lab.

He groaned, feeling every ache and pain in his body like a brick wall, which was enough to help him gain full control of his body once more. He went to lift himself up, but was suddenly aware of a weight on his right side.

Raph slowly turned his head, seeing a sleeping (M/N), face scrunched up in a grimace, but still breathing steady. With a soft chuckle, he used his other hand to run his fingers through (M/N)'s soft locks.

"Mmm... five more minutes..." (M/N) muttered out, before his (e/c) eyes snapped open and he sat up, clutching the red-masked turtle's hand. 


(M/N) immediately lunged at him, joining him on the bed and engulfing him in a hug.

"Holy shit I was so fucking scared...."

Raph chuckled softly, holding the other boy closer and pressing a soft kiss to his neck.

"I'm sorry.... are you alright?"

(M/N) gaped at him as if he had just said the stupidest thing in the world.

"Am I alright?! Last time I checked I wasn't the one who got a bullet to the gut!!!"

Raphael let out a laugh, nodding quickly, "Yeah that's fair."

Suddenly the doors to the lab flew open, the three other turtle brothers and Master Splinter rushing in.


The three pulled their fourth brother into a big group hug, (M/N) crushed under all of their weights with a laugh, the stress washing away as he settled into their warm embraces. 

"Well... it seems all is well for now. I am so glad to see you up and well, my son" Master Splinter started, patting the red masked turtle's shoulder with a doting smile once he was given room, letting his hand rest there. 

"Yet... I believe this is the start of something bigger than before. For now we know how determined our enemy is. I do not believe they will stop until they have destroyed us all." 

Raph felt his father's grip tighten, but remained silent, wanting to bask in the comfort a bit longer. 

(M/N)'s smile was replaced with a grimace, "You're right, we don't have time to slack off anymore. I have no idea what their goal is, but whatever is coming, we'll need to be ready. I especially need to think... I need to control whatever control they might still have over me." 

An uneasy feeling fell over the room, the four brothers recalling (M/N)'s unstable actions. 

Master Splinter nodded slowly, stroking his beard in thought, "Once you have taken time to rest, come see me, (M/N). For now, please just enjoy some time to recover, all of you. Nothing will be done while you are all overworked."

(M/N) agreed somewhat reluctantly, but was easily distracted by being pulled back into the group of teens, wanting to bask in the comfort for as long as possible. 

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