Chapter 11- The Definition Of A Gay Disaster

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(M/N) yawned, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Once he finally opened them, he froze.

Where was he-

The memories of last night came flooding back.

He looked around, quietly sitting up and walking over to the dojo doors. Just beyond them, he could hear muffled voices.

(M/N) took a deep breath, then slowly slid the door open.

He was met with the four turtles, sat in a row in front of Master Splinter. They stared at him in obvious confusion for a moment, before Raph quickly got up and walked over.

"Hey (M/N)... uh... did you sleep alright?"

Raph was standing awkwardly, aware of his brothers' eyes on his back.

(M/N) nodded slowly,

"Ya... am I... interrupting something?"

Master Splinter walked towards them, gently leading the boy back to the group.

"Not at all. Please, sit. I believe an explanation is in order."

(M/N) nodded again, still tense and awkward around the group. They were practically strangers after all.

After (M/N) told his story, the group all addressed their sympathies, and vowed to help him.

"You can stay here for as long as you need, (M/N). Consider this your new home."

The (H/C) haired boy nodded with a small grateful smile. They were so willing to help him... even though they barely knew him.

"Thank you... I'll do whatever I can to repay your hospitality!"

After a few more minutes of talking, (M/N) left the dojo with Raph. They luckily had a spare room the boy could use.

The walk there was tense. Something was clearly on the turtle's mind.

"Ok, spit it out." (M/N) eventually said, stopping Raph in his tracks.


"You want to say something. Just say it. Your bad vibes are really bringing me down."

(M/N) had an easygoing smile on his face, but it faltered for a moment when his eyes met Raph's neon green ones.

"It's just... why the hell would they do that?!"

The sudden outburst startled the (H/C) haired boy.

"The people you work for! Why would they suddenly decide to kill of one of their own! That's fucking stupid and... and wrong!"

(M/N) sighed, walking closer and setting a hand down on Raph's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

"Listen... they don't really work that way. It wasn't like I was ever a member of their family... I was just... a pawn. I'm disposable..."

(M/N) had meant to cheer Raph up in some way, or at the very least explain the situation. But he just ended up making himself depressed.

"An...Anyway, it doesn't matter. Its definitely not something to get super worked up over either. I'm alive, and I intend to stay that way for a long time."

Raph chuckled quietly, then took the boy's hand without thinking.

"Just know you aren't disposable... and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you're safe."

(M/N) stared at Raph, feeling his face begin to heat up.

Raph took this moment to realize what he said, and he quickly let the boy's hand go.

"Uh anyway here's your room I gotta get back to practice, bye!"

Without another word, the turtle speed-walked back down the hall away from the flustered mess that was (M/N)

Raph rounded the corner, making sure he was safely out of sight. He then banged his head against the wall, flustered and embarrassed.

"Uh... you ok there, Raph?"

The red-masked turtle looked over to where Leo was staring at him in mild amusement and concern.

"Just peachy..." Raph growled out, mentally yelling at himself for being so stupid. What if (M/N) was uncomfortable around him now?!

"Right... so what's up with you and mystery boy over there."

Raph stared at Leo, his face feeling even warmer.

"Wha...What do you mean?! Nothing's going on!"

"Mhm... right..."

Raph glared at him, "shut up! I mean it, nothing is going on! We literally just met we barely know each other!"

Before Leo could answer, Raph quickly stomped to his room and slammed the door.

"Well... that was certainly an unexpected reaction" Leo muttered to himself, before returning to his Space Heroes comic.

Things were definitely going to be interesting from now on.

Flustered Raph has me weak ngl I just hope he wasn't too OOC here 😔✌️ also lowkey almost forgot to post today oops-


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