Chapter 30- I Love You But I Think Your Trust is Sorely Misplaced

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        Heavy breathes wracked (M/N)'s chest, his lungs screaming at him for overworking them as he moved. He watched the blurry figure in front of him crawl away, trapped against a wall with no where to go. 

(M/N) watched himself lift his disk up, the dangerous hum sending vibrations through his hand. As much as he screamed and begged himself to stop, (M/N) was an outsider in his own body, cursed to only be an observer. 

He watched helplessly as he lifted his hand, watching his arm swing down and...

     With a gasp, (M/N) jumped up, chest heaving as he struggled for air. There was a faint static sound that slowly faded into silence, only the white noise of Raph's room, the heater fighting the winter chill setting in, Spike munching on his late night snack, and quiet rustling of the blankets shifting. (M/N) turned to where Raph was now sitting up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 

"You alright?" Raph mumbled out, reaching a hand out and pulling the other into a gentle embrace.

"Another nightmare..." (M/N) finally whispered, burying his face into the turtle's plastron with a shuddering exhale.

Raph frowned, running his hands through (M/N)'s soft locks as he laid them back down. Pulling the sheets over them once more, he wrapped both of his arms around his partner, pushing his face into (H/C) locks. 

"I really think you should see Sensei... It's been getting worse." 

(M/N) quickly shook his head, rubbing at his eyes to try and get rid of the horrible memory. 

"I'm fine! I just... I need fresh air." 

Raph let out a small groan, missing the warmth from his human boyfriend as he pulled away once more, messing up the sheets and leaving Raph exposed again. 

"You suck." 

"Considering this is a family friendly environment, I will not reply." 

Raph rolled his eyes with a chuckle, lifting himself out of bed to follow (M/N) around as he pulled on a hoodie, sweatpants, and his shoes. 

"Where are you heading?" 

(M/N) looked up from where he was lacing up his shoes, "up top. I need to not be cramped up in a sewer for a bit. No offense." 

Raph recognized the familiar biting tone, having had that same attitude every time he had gotten overwhelmed with his brothers. 

"Alright, be careful then. Keep your phone on you-"

"You're not coming with?" 

(M/N) stood, grasping his boyfriend's hand desperately. 

"no, I'll go. Anything for you."

     (M/N) pulled himself up the metal poles of the water tower, putting all his focus into getting to the top.

"This is not what I meant- BE CAREFUL DUMBASS!!" 

(M/N) rolled his eyes with a laugh, looking down at Raph with an amused glint in his (E/C) orbs.

"You love me! The top is sort of flat, get up here!"

Raph let out a dramatic groan, but failed to hide the laugh that came after, quickly pulling himself up after the (H/C)'d boy. 

    The pair sat at the top, a gentle breeze cooling their skin after running for a while. 

"Raph... is there something wrong with me?" 

The red-masked turtle turned to him, stunned by the sudden dark question. 

"No? Of course not." 

(M/N) nodded slowly, but the grim expression never left his face. 

"I'm.... ugh, tell anyone I said this and you're dead but... I'm scared. Those nightmares... what if  they're like, visions of the future. What if I actually kill someone- what if I kill you or Don or Leo or-" 


Raph grabbed the boy's shoulder, forcing him to face him. 

"You won't. You'd never do that willingly. I trust you, We trust you, (M/N)." 

(M/N) blinked rapidly, turning away with a small sniffle. 

"Ok... yeah, ok." (M/N) began to nod, a small smile finally appearing.

"thank you.." 

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