Chapter 18- Gay Culture 101, How to Basically Confess But Not

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hehe early Tuesday post I'm so fucking tired but it's fine! Anywayyy hope you guys enjoy!


 Raph was left speechless at this revelation. How could... how did this... how did (M/N) even know?!

(M/N) slowly lowered himself down onto the rooftop, leaning against the tower as he looked up at the smoking creature.

"Dalis... is that you?"

The mutant let out a low rumble, nodding slowly.

(M/N) locked eyes with her, before suddenly letting out a choked sob.

"I'm.. I'm so sorry Dalis! Fuck... I'm so sorry!"

His words came out in stutters, tears cascading down his face.

Dalis reached her claw out to him, carefully caressing his face and using her thumb to wipe away the tears. Her hand radiated a pleasant warmth that somehow was quick to soothe (M/N).

Raph walked over, gently laying a hand on the other's shoulder. It was hurting him to see the other look so... vulnerable.

"Hey... don't blame yourself..." Raph started, Dalis nodding in response.

"But technically it is my fault..." (M/N) sniffed, "but I appreciate the gesture."

Raph chuckled, pulling him into a gentle side hug, before turning back up to the mutant.

"I'm sure there's something we can do. We just gotta get you back to the lair so Don can do his... science nerd stuff."

(M/N) laughed, before nodding with another quiet sniffle. Dalis looked between the two, expression softening.

She was just relieved that (M/N) was ok.

The pair got in contact with the three other turtles, and soon enough they all met up in the sewers.

"So... this is Dalis. Wow... that really sucks" Mikey mused, studying the cool looking mutant.

Leo winced, while Donnie and Raph slapped him upside the head.

"OW! What did I do??"

   The group agreed that Dalis couldn't stay in their lair. One, because they didn't want to risk burning the place down, and two, because Master Splinter would probably be very against the idea.

"Here it is!! One of our old friends stayed in this. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you stayed in it too."
Mikey presented, admiring the subway car that looked sort of cozy.

(M/N), who's leg had been tended to by Donnie, limped after Dalis, following her into the car, watching as she comfortably curled up at the far end.

"Alright then... guess this is goodbye for now. I promise to check in whenever I can!"

Dalis nodded, carefully patting the boy on the head.

"And I'll come by every so often to run some tests. There's gotta be a way to make a cure for you." Donnie added, to which Dalis only nodded in reply.

After a moment, the turtles continued on back to the lair, leaving (M/N) and Dalis alone.

"What.... What happened to Nym?" (M/N) asked quietly, his mind coming up with even worse scenarios of what could've happened to the fluffy white-haired girl.

Dalis' body heated up a bit, and she shook her head violently.

(M/N) scooted back, scared of Dalis accidentally burning him with her heated claws.

"I uh... I'm not sure what you're trying to say but... I'm sorry you two got split up. I know it must be hard, but I promise we'll find her!"

Dalis let out a huff, her body cooling down again. (M/N) chuckled, before standing back up and heading for the door.

"I'll see you soon, ok?"

Dalis nodded, waving her clawed hand, making an attempt to make her expression kind.

(M/N) walked towards the sewer tunnel, surprised to see Raph waiting for him.

"You didn't go with the rest?"

"Nah, thought I'd wait. Knowing you, you'd get lost again and start losing your shit like you did the first time. Also, you're leg got stabbed you dumbass."

(M/N) pouted, shoving the turtle gently.

"So what are you gonna do, carry me?"

"Anything for my prince."

(M/N) face flushed, and he had a hard time forming any coherent sentence. Raph chuckled, proud of himself for successfully stumping the other. He scooped the (H/C) haired boy up, and continued on to the lair.

A slightly awkward silence fell over the two as they traveled down the tunnel. Now that things had calmed down, (M/N) had time to reflect over everything that happened today.

"Raph, put me down for a second."

Raph complied, carefully setting the other down, then was startled when he was suddenly pulled into a gentle hug.

"Wh... What are you doing?!"

(M/N) smiled gently at the red-masked turtle, making his heart flutter just a bit.

"Thank you... for saving me earlier. I probably would've died if you hadn't been there."

Raph swallowed hard, feeling his face warm up.

It wasn't an unpleasant feeling.

After mustering up some courage, he wrapped his arms around the other's smaller frame, whispering,

"I said I was going to keep you safe, didn't I? I don't plan on breaking my promise."

Wait ok but why was that last scene really cute a h, I hope you guys liked it!


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