Chapter 4- Let's Work Together This Time, You Uncooperative Bitch

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   "You did WHAT?!?"

(M/N) shrugged at the shorter female in front of him, her long curly locks of white hair fluffing up as she glared up at him.

"I gave them a copy of our files. They aren't our enemies, Nym. Those turtles are fighting the Kraang, and might even know where this April girl is!" ( M/N) tried to reason, leaning back against the wall. Nym's glare softened a bit as he spoke.

"You could have at least told us..."

(M/N) blinked, then nodded slowly. "I should have... I'm sorry. No more secrets anymore. I promise."

Nym shook her head with a quiet giggle "alright... But you promised."

A gentle slap on the back of my head alerted me of Dalis. "You better not break that promise or I'll rip you to shreds, squirt."

(M/N) chuckled, "I got it, I got it... please let me go now." Dalis finally released her tight grip on the male's shirt, letting him walk free.

"Anyway, there's another base we're hitting up tonight. Maybe we'll see your little friends there" Dalis jeered, still annoyed at the fact the turtles had almost captured (M/N).

(M/N) sighed, "for their own safety, I hope we don't."

    (M/N) scanned the area, the inside of his helmet giving him an x-ray view of the rooms inside.

"Four guards at the door.... and two more bots inside."

Nym sighed, "they're upping the security... we need to be more discreet. No more messing up on the job." This last remark was clearly directed to the (H/C)-haired male.

(M/N) only grinned in response. It wasn't his fault he liked to have fun on missions.

The three carefully made their way inside the building, crawling through the vent system. Nym then jumped down into the hallway, catching the four robots off-guard and taking down two of them. Dalis jumped down after her, hurling her disk at one bot just as it reached for the alarm. (M/N) took care of the last one, bringing his disk down on the last bot and watching as it exploded into metallic bits.

After Dalis hacked into the door mechanics, they quickly took down the two bots inside without any alarms going off. As Nym searched through the computer data, Dalis and (M/N) kept guard.

"This feels too easy... it's way to quiet" Dalis whispered, the silent halls reinforcing her statement. (M/N) stared down the hall, before realizing.

"There are no bots patrolling."

This sent of a red flag for the trio. Why wouldn't they have patrols anymore?

"You done yet, Nym? I want to get us out of here as soon as possible" Dalis growled, pulling out a black baton that  hummed to life, a maroon red blade forming.

"And.... done. Let's get out of here-!"

Just then, an alarm began to blare out, echoing through the halls as the lights flashed purple.

"Shit! Let's go!" Dalis commanded, and lead the other two down the halls. The vents wouldn't be an exit route anymore.

As the trio made their way through the Kraang base, the four turtles were doing their best to fight off the Kraang bots that had discovered them.

"We need to get out of here!" Donnie yelped, barely avoiding a blast to the chest.

"I'm thinking!" was Leo's only response, as he brought down bot after bot. However, this barely made a dent in the group, as more kept coming.

"As much as I hate to suggest it," Raph began, stabbing his Sai into another Kraang bot, "I think we have to retreat!"

Mikey was the first to begin backing up, "sounds like a great plan, bro!"

The four turtles began running back the way they had come in, with an army of Kraang bots behind them. They had to dodge lasers as they ran back into the main lab room.

"Wait, is that-?!" Leo yelped, cut off by yet another laser almost hitting him.

(M/N) turned from his place just below the broken window. His gaze immediately landed on the red-masked turtle.


Raph looked up at the mention of his name, eyes widening a bit to see (M/N) looking down at him.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Come on (M/N)! We need to go!" Nym urged from the other side of the window, balancing on the building's edge with Dalis.

(M/N) nodded slowly, "ya I'm going."

Needless to say, (M/N) was stuck in a moral dilemma. Raph and the other turtles needed help, they would barely be able to climb up without getting shot at. But he needed to leave with the other two to save their own skin.

"Dalis, pass me a light grenade."

The flaming red-headed girl stared incredulously at the male. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

Despite her remark, she did in fact pass (M/N) a small black orb.

"Go, I'll meet you two back at base!"

Nym glanced at him, then back at Dalis. "Let's go... I hope you know what you're doing (M/N)." With that, the two girls jumped off, metallic wings forming with each's respective suit color.

(M/N) turned back to where the turtles were fighting off the Kraang. They wouldn't be able to make it up with so many Kraang bots shooting at them.

(M/N) held up the grenade, pushing down on a button and watching as it began to flash.


Hey, it's Miles :)
Ohoho some more action! Finally the two sides meet, but alas, there is still tension. Anyway, it's late so imma head to bed now. Later!

Plz point out any grammar mistakes if there are any, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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