Chapter 6- It Feels Like a Dream, But Like... A Really Gay Dream. Which Is Good

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(M/N) sat down on the rooftop, admiring the night sky. It had been a few days since he had seen the red-masked turtle. Not like he really cared.

Well... maybe a little.

Maybe it was the excitement of something new. Finally having friends outside of the organization he worked for. Dalis and Nym were great but... he wanted more.

Would he find that with Raphael?

The thought made (M/N)'s heart flutter for a moment.

"Jeez... I barely know the guy... calm down!"

"Barely know who?"

(M/N) jumped, quickly whizzing around and meeting sharp green eyes. Speak of the devil...

"Oh.. it's just you. What's up?"

Raphael studied the male's face for a moment, before shrugging. "Not much. My brothers are being annoying as always. You?"

(M/N) chuckled, "Waiting for Dalis to cool off. My little stunt got us in trouble with the big boss."

Raph sat down beside the (H/C)-haired male, "big boss?"

(M/N) nodded, "Yep. We work for the people at the top. Working to save the world. If I'm being honest though... I don't know much about them. I trust Dalis and Nym though. They would never trust anyone who was going to bring harm."

Raph nodded, but couldn't help but feel skeptical. Working for someone you don't even know... that definitely was going to lead to some problems down the line. "Just as long as you're keeping yourself safe."

(M/N) flashed a coy smile, "aww... you're sweet! Look at you, already caring about me."

Raph shoved him gently, fighting back the urge to smile, "You wish. Fine, I won't be nice anymore. You jerk."

(M/N) laughed, then quickly stood up, saying "Let's go somewhere nice!"

Raph stared at him, confused, "What?"

"You said your brothers were annoying you, right? Well let's go somewhere nice to relax! Come on, I know just the place!"

Raphael pushed himself up, and followed the (E/C)-eyed male along the rooftops,

What did (M/N) have in store for the hot-head?


    The two males eventually arrived in front of a system of buildings connected by several courtyards. It was one of New York's botanical gardens.

(M/N) turned to the turtle, "have you ever been?"

Raphael shook his head, a bit nervous but very excited. What? He was a softy and a sucker for beautiful scenery.

"Come on, follow me! It's pretty easy to sneak in. Plus I don't think they expect people to steal anything."

With that, the (H/C) haired male led the red-masked turtle towards one of the green buildings, easily opening one of the windows and hopping inside. Raphael hesitantly followed, dropping down beside him and being hit with a wave of aromas. As he looked around, all that he could see was green, and it was wet and humid. Completely different to the crisp fall air outside.

"Come on, there's one place that I think you'll love!" (M/N) whispered, taking the turtle by the hand and pulling him along. Raph looked down at their intertwined hands.

What was this feeling... his heart was beginning to pound in his chest. His face was a bit warm.

He wasn't complaining.

(M/N) pulled them into a dark corner, motioning for the turtle to remain silent. A tired-looking guard shuffled past, clearly uninterested in his job. Like (M/N) had stated before, the botanical gardens weren't exactly likely to be robbed or broken into.

Once the guard was safely far down the hall, the pair continued on. (M/N) eventually entered a large room, with its own separate room inside. It was a butterfly exhibit.

After fiddling with the lock for a moment, (M/N) eventually got it open and lead Raph inside, mindful not to let anything out.

Raph looked around at all the flying insects, also keeping an eye on the ground to avoid stepping on any.

"Beautiful, aren't they" (M/N) murmured, letting a dark black and blue winged butterfly land on his extended hand. "This one's a White Admiral."

Raph walked over, studying it with a newfound interest in butterflies. (M/N) turned to look at the turtle, his own heart racing a bit at how close he was.

Eww. Emotions. He quickly pushed them away. Relax (M/N).

Looking back up at the turtle, the
(H/C) haired male stifled a laugh, making Raph look up at him.


Instead of answering, (M/N) pulled out his phone and took a picture. On Raphael's head was a fire-rim tortoiseshell. What a coincidence.

Raph grabbed the phone, looking at the picture in quickly concealed delight. He loved the fact a butterfly decided to land on him, but he wasn't about to show it.

(M/N) carefully removed the small insect from the turtle's head, letting him continue to fly around.

There was a silent pause, neither sure what to say, or if they should say anything at all. Just as (M/N) was about to open his mouth,

"I swear there was something on the cameras around here, Greg!"

An older male voice echoed down the halls.


(M/N) and Raph glanced at each other, then quickly (and carefully) went for the exit. (M/N) closed the door behind them, making sure no butterflies had followed them, and locked it once more. They then quickly made their way down the hall, back to the window they had come from.

"Over here, Dave! I swear I heard footsteps!"

(M/N) froze as quick footsteps came closer. Raph grabbed the male, pulling him up with him through the window and balancing on the edge. (M/N) quickly collected himself and shut the window behind them, and they jumped off into the night.

"Damn it, Dave! Your old ears really are playing tricks on you."

"Don't you start with me, Greg."


   (M/N) and Raphael landed on a rooftop, finally stopping to catch their breath.

They then burst out laughing, falling back onto the rooftop and looking up at the sun just beginning to rise on the horizon.

"That was the most fun I've had in a while!" (M/N) exclaimed, his face flush from laughing.

"You were right. It was exactly what I needed" Raph replied, beginning to stand. (M/N) followed, stretching and yawning.

"Well, I'm gonna head home. See you around, Raph."

Raph let himself relax and smile, "see ya, (M/N)."

With a final fond look, the two parted ways, the sun beginning to light up the city sky.

Hey, it's Miles :)
To make up for the previous short chapter, have some cute moments between our boys. Also butterflies. Butterflies are cool. That is all.

Plz point out any grammar mistakes if there are any, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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