Chapter 8- Shattered Reality. No You Can't Get A Refund

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   "I'll be heading out then. I'm sure Dalis and Nym are gonna be wondering where I am..."

(M/N) lifted himself off the couch as he said this, honestly reluctant to leave.

"Want me to bring you back up? I honestly doubt you remember the way back up, princess." Raph chuckled, getting up as well.

(M/N) rubbed the back of his neck, flashing a small grin. As much as he would hate to admit, he did not remember the way back up.

"Uh sure whatever if you want to, you don't have to-"

Raph cut him off, grabbing his arm and dragging him out.


The pair hopped up onto the rooftops once they exited the sewers. (M/N) was silently grateful for the fresh air, not realizing how bad it had actually smelled down there.

"Well... I'll be leaving now" (M/N) mumbled, glancing at Raph.

Raph rubbed his arm, not really wanting the (H/C) haired boy to leave. But who was he to ask, especially because it would ruin his bad boy image.

There was a tense silence, both not wanting the other to go.

(M/N) sighed, chuckling a bit as he just sat down on the edge of the building. "I don't want to go home..."

Raph shivered, a chill running down his spine. (M/N)'s tone had changed. Raph joined him, sitting down beside him.

"Then don't."

(M/N) laughed, but there was no humor. "I have to... its... complicated. And a long story."

Raph rolled his eyes, "I've got time."

(M/N) just shook his head, pulling his legs up to lay his chin on his knees. "Well... the people I work


Said boy whirled around.

Oh fuck...

Dalis glared down at him from the rooftop beside them. "Home. Now."

(M/N) narrowed his eyes, "I'm not a kid. Don't act like you're my mom."

Dalis jumped down, stalking over and gripping his arm, pulling him up. "Don't talk back! As far as you're concerned, I am. My job is to keep you alive now!"

Raph quickly jumped in between them, pulling (M/N) behind him protectively. The (E/C) eyed male let out a tiny gasp. Why was he protecting him?

(M/N) grabbed the turtle's shoulders, "hey... it's fine. Just... let me handle this."

Raph turned to him, eyes narrowed, "are you sure-"

"I'm sure. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"

Raph knew he shouldn't leave the boy alone but...


(M/N)'s gentle gaze broke him down. Raph sighed, nodding and stepping away. He turned to head back to the manhole cover, glancing one more time at the two humans. He then let out a frustrated sigh and left.

(M/N) turned back to Dalis, his gentle gaze morphing into one of annoyance.

"You done being cool? Come on."

Dalis turned, then stopped.

"And you're not seeing him or any of the turtles again. We have new orders."

(M/N) stared at the back of her head, his blood running cold.

".... what orders?"

Dalis stayed silent, and continued across the rooftops. (M/N) followed close behind, not wanting to continue the conversation anymore.

He was terrified of what the answer would be.

Hey, it's Miles :)
I know I know it's short I'm sorry! I wanted to add more but like that's also a kind of good place to end it.

Plz point out any grammar mistakes if there are any, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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