Chapter 20- A Wise Man Once Said "What the fuck are we?" (M/N) Is That Wise Man

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     To say that (M/N) was shocked was very much an understatement.

He had expected Raph to take him on a run and just mess around, but this... this guy? This mutant?? This turtle???

He clearly had much bigger plans.

Especially when the pair stood in front of a rather old, but sleek, black car with tinted windows.

"How.... How did you-"

Raph smirked, puffing out his chest in satisfaction at (M/N)'s gobsmacked face.

"Don found the car in some junkyard a while back. He fixed it up, and now occasionally we drive it around."

(M/N)'s mind was racing.

"I could kiss you..."



The pair took off down the road, (M/N) comfortably curled up in the passenger seat as soft jazz played in the background.

Raph may or may not have tried to set the mood.

"So, mind telling me where we're going?"

Raph shrugged with a mischievous look on his face.

"The only hint you're getting is that you have to drive us in, and I have to hide."

(M/N) raised an eyebrow with a laugh.

What the actual fuck was happening?

   Distant lights up ahead awoke (M/N) from the light doze he had fallen into.

"Are we there yet..." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Raph glanced at him, smiling gently. (M/N) looked adorable, all sleepy like.

Well... he had certainly made progress accepting his sexuality.

After a moment of silence, the car slowed to a stop along the side of the road.

"Here, you drive, and I'll hide in the back seat."

(M/N) crinkled his nose in mild annoyance, but obliged and got out of his seat and into the drivers seat. Raph quickly hid himself in the back, squeezing into the small space on the floor.

   (M/N) followed Raph's directions, until eventually he pulled up to...

"Yo this is a drive-in theater!! Holy shit! What movie are we watching?"

"Your choice, although I heard they're playing this one horror movie-"

Raph quickly ducked back down as (M/N) pulled up to the ticket booth.

The (H/C) haired boy quickly paid for his ticket without too much of a hassle, driving up into a parking spot and turning off the car. He then turned back to the turtle, who had already pulled himself up onto the back seats.

"So, what movie did you pick?"

(M/N) grinned, "of course I was gonna pick the horror movie!"

Raph chuckled, "of course.."

There was a comfortable moment of silence as the two settled into the two front seats again, Raph making the funny but awkward switch over to the passenger seat.

"Oh shit, I almost forgot, go check the trunk."

(M/N) blinked, but he once again obliged and exited the car, the gentle lull of voices all around filling the chilly night air.

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