12th January 2018

692 5 3

We pull up to the house and park on the curb as Adams car is parked on the driveway. I turn the engine off and we get out.

"I can't believe you got drunk last night and you're still hungover." I moan at Johnny whilst he helps Talia out of the car.

"Look I said I'm sorry, what else do you want me to do?" He says back.

"I don't have a problem with you drinking it's just you're so grumpy when you're hungover, you remind me of my dad."

"We're here now so just stop, I don't want to cause an argument."

Johnny gets his key and unlocks the door. We walk in and take our coats of then I help Talia take hers off. All of a sudden Adam comes running out of the living room and picks up Talia.

"Uncle Adam!" Talia shouts.

"Hello Miss Talia." He says whilst he gives her a hug. He then puts her back down again then she runs into the living room.

"Piss face, shit face." He says as he greets us.

"Can you stop calling me shit face, it was one time!" I moan.

"Yeah and it was the best thing ever." Johnny says as he laughs at me.

"You can't speak you got shit faced last night." I say as I hit him.

"I did wonder why you looked so miserable." Adam says as he played with Johnnys hair to which he pushed him off.

We walk into the kitchen to greet Jackie who is currently cooking.

"Hi mum." Johnny says as we enter.

"Hi Johnny." She says giving him a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Hi Jackie." I say as I give her a hug.

"Hi Beth." She replies.

"Johnnys hungover just to let you know." I tell her.

"Jonathan!" She shouts as she hits him with a towel.

"Owwww!! What was that for?" He exclaims.

"You're such a grumpy git when you're hungover, why couldn't you of waited until tomorrow?"

"I tried to tell him Jackie but he wouldn't listen to me."

Suddenly Talia comes running into the kitchen.

"Talia!!" Jackie exclaims.

"Grandma!!" She shouts as Jackie picks her up.

"Talia tell grandma what happened yesterday." I say to her.

"Oh yeah! I lost my sixth tooth!" She says and then shows Jackie the gap.

"Oh wow! You're becoming such a big girl!"

"Yeah she's growing up too fast." Johnny says then continues to squirt cream into his mouth.

"More grown up then her own father." I say as I take the can out of his hand and put it back in the fridge.

She runs back into the living room so me and Johnny follow her. We walk in and Anna is sat on the sofa with Adam whilst Santiago and Talia play with the toys.

"Hey Anna." I say as I walk in.

"Oh my god hey." She says as she gets up to give me a hug.

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